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Limitations Around The Living Room

cramped living roomThe living room is the determinant and the first impression of the house overall assessment. If the living room does not look neat, then the assessment will immediately assume the occupants of the house were characterized as such.

For those of you who happen to not have ample living space, do not be discouraged. To achieve a comfortable living room, is not only requires foresight, but also finesse and intelligence.

Sleek furniture
The first thing that needs to be done, is to determine the type of furniture and accessories that will be used. Try to choose a sofa, table and chairs are sized with an uncomplicated design (simple). Furniture that is symmetrical and not a lot of ornaments, will reduce excessive impression. If necessary, look for the type of furniture that is slim and petite. Can also use two sofa with transparent glass table, or wooden chairs rattan sleek design.

Color composition commensurate
Combine paint the living room walls with supporting accessories that there are all subjects. Find a matching color to the type of furniture. Mix and match the composition of the room, is one way to add more beautiful atmosphere. The combination of colors and materials used, sometimes adding a living room feel more alive. Through color uniformity, is expected to be relatively narrow room seem relieved.

Do iridescence
Impression of relief can also be handled by the game soft colors, such as white, beige, ivory, yellow, lime and turquoise. These colors are generally easily combined with various types of furniture. In order to give a touch more visually dynamic and interesting, you can add bright colors, such as red or lime green.

Use small accessories
In addition, arrange accessories in the living room that does not impede traffic and safe for children. Do not place the racks or cabinets in the large living room you narrow. Just use small accessories that matches the color of the room, if you want to make a mini living room more beautiful.


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