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Roof Components and Their Functions That You Shoul
The roof of the house is an important thing that you must have in your residence. Do you know what components are on the roof? Let's get to know each part of the roof in the following article. Before starting to build a house, it's a good idea to know in advance what components are needed when making a roof. This is because the roof is an important part of the house and must be made properly so that the house remains sturdy. Do you know what components are on the roof of the house? If not, let's see the explanation of the components of the roof of the house and their functions here!
Roof Components and Their Functions
1. Truss
A truss is a roof frame support made of triangular wooden beams. The construction that functions as a support for the roof frame is placed at the bottom of the frame. The top of the truss is attached to the beam and then both legs are attached to the structural column so that all the roof load is distributed to the ground. In addition to being an important part of roof construction, trusses can also beautify your home. For example, exposed trusses made of natural materials, such as wood, will look beautiful in a room with a traditional ethnic feel.
2. Purlins
A purlin is a wooden beam that is located above the trusses. This building construction functions as a support or rafter support and also as a connection between the trusses. The presence of purlins is very much needed on trusses that are more than 2 meters high.
3. Usuk or Rafters
A rafter is a wooden beam that is placed across the top of the purlin. The rafters function to create eaves or roofs and their size can be adjusted according to your wishes. Generally, rafters are in the form of long beams that are stored in the wall beams to the outside of the wall.
4. Battens
At the top of the rafters there is a transverse wood, the wood is called a batten. The batten functions to hook and hold the roof covering, such as sand metal tiles or other coverings. With the battens, the tiles can be arranged more easily, regularly, and neatly. The battens also function to regulate the distance between the tiles, the larger the tiles used, the fewer battens are needed. In other words, if you have a limited budget, you can reduce the roof batten material so that the building construction budget can be reduced.
5. Beam Batten
Beam battens or wall beams are beams placed at the top of the wall. Beam battens function to hold and keep the trusses sturdy.
6. Drainage Lisplank
A drainage lisplank is a vertical board installed at the bottom of the rafters. This construction functions as a fastener for the ends of the rafters so that their arrangement does not change. Generally, the rafter bars are only held by nails, but this makes the rafters easy to shift. To overcome this, a drainage lisplank is made which can lock the rafters so that they remain in place. Don't forget to always maintain the condition of the lisplank and don't let the lisplank be exposed to the sun or rain.
7. Gevel End Lisplank
In addition to the drainage lisplank, there is also a roof construction called the gevel end lisplank. The gevel end lisplank is a vertical board used along the end of the gevel. This lisplank functions to protect the purlins and battens from rainwater and sunlight.
8. Roof Coating
The roof coating is the part of the roof that is above the rafters in the form of a waterproof layer. The coating is usually made of zinc, plastic, or fiber cement plate. The function of this construction is to prevent rainwater from entering your home.
9. Roof Covering
The cover is the top component of the roof and is in direct contact with the outside air. The cover functions to prevent exposure to sunlight and rainwater from entering the house, so the selection of roof frame materials must be done carefully.


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