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Effective Ways to Fix Leaking Gutters
Every house definitely needs a gutter. Basically, a gutter is a pipe that functions to drain water from the roof of the house or temporarily store rainwater before it falls to the ground. However, along with the development of innovation, the shape of the gutter is made in various ways according to the design of the house. Inevitably, the gutter also contributes to the exterior appearance of the house. The gutter material commonly used in simple type houses is PVC. Unfortunately, this material has many shortcomings, one of which is in terms of durability. If exposed to hot weather continuously, its condition becomes easily bent and cracked.
Galvanized Material
In addition, plastic materials also quickly change shape and become dull. However, in terms of price, plastic rain gutters are indeed cheaper. It is not surprising that usually this plastic gutter can only last up to one year. While other materials that are often used are galvanized. Looking at the price, it is indeed more expensive than plastic. The advantage is that galvanized material has a relatively longer durability.
Behind the two types of materials that are common on the market, gutters have one problem that is often experienced in houses, namely leaks. Actually, this problem can be minimized if you routinely maintain it. However, if a problem has occurred, here are tips to fix it.
Check the cause
Before starting to fix it, the first step you should do is check the cause of the leak. In PVC plastic gutters, the trigger could be a loose connection or the adhesive strength of the glue is no longer optimal. Like its weaknesses, cracked and deformed PVC gutters are also one of the causes.
Fix it immediately
If you have found the cause of the leak, then immediately repair the damage so that it does not worsen the situation. For loose PVC gutter connections, you need to open the connection section first. If the condition of the connected gutter ends is still good, re-glue them with quality PVC glue.
Before gluing, don't forget to clean both ends of the connection with sandpaper until the old glue residue is clean. Then apply PVC glue to both ends of the connection until it is completely covered. After gluing, let it dry and completely adhere. And, your PVC plastic gutter is ready to be reinstalled.
Alternative method
To repair galvanized gutters, if you don't find the cause of the leak, one of these alternative steps is worth trying. First, cut into small pieces or crush the styrofoam or used cork from packing electronic equipment. Second, prepare a clean basin and pour kerosene to soak the cork pieces. Wait until the cork dissolves. After the texture changes to resemble porridge, use a brush or spoon to take it and then pour or brush it on the leaking gutter. Then let it sit. Try to do this when the weather is sunny without rain. Later, the styrofoam will patch up small holes that may be the cause of the leak.
Replace with new
If the leak is too severe, the last step that can be taken is to replace all the gutters with new ones. So that old mistakes are not repeated, it is important to pay attention to the size and type of gutter that is more resistant to leaks. If necessary, before installing it, cover the bottom of the carpet on the gutter with zinc. This method can be mandatory for gutters that are positioned at the meeting point of the two ends of the roof, for example in the middle of the house. Good luck!


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