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Tips on How to Calculate Light Steel Needs

If you need a way to calculate the need for a light steel roof, this article discusses in full the need for supporting materials. To calculate the need for a lightweight steel roof, you can do it yourself with the simulation of calculating a lightweight steel roof truss below. Previously, you need to know the volume of the roof frame first. The volume of the roof frame depends on the size of the house where the light steel will be installed.
Prepare Detailed Size Data for Your House
For information, this discussion is about how to calculate the saddle style light steel roof that is generally used. Before calculating the volume, prepare data on the length and width of the house, the length of the overstek, and the degree of slope of the roof. For example, you will calculate for a type 96 house with a length of 12 meters and a width of 8 meters. Overstek length 1 meter. The slope of the roof of the house is around 35 degrees. Let's calculate all the dimensions of the house that you have collected. The formula is:
Building length = house length + 2*overstek length = 12 + 1 + 1 = 12 m Building width = building width + 2*overstek length = 8 + 1 + 1 = 8 m Degree of slope = cos 35 = 0.819 (you can calculate it with a scientific calculator).
How to Calculate the Volume of a Light Steel Roof Frame After getting all the data, you can start calculating the volume of the light steel roof. The formula used to calculate the volume of light steel roof trusses is:
Volume Formula = (Length of Building + Length of Overstek) x (Width of Building + Length of Overstek)/Cosine Value of Degree of Slope of Tile Roof All you have to do is enter the length and width data to which the overstek length has been added above.
Light steel roof volume:
(Building Length + Overstek Length) x (Building Width + Overstek Length): Cosine Value of the Degree of Slope of a Tile Roof = 14 square meters x10 square meters: 0.819 = 171 square meters.
It's easy to calculate, isn't it? Let's continue calculating the need for light steel using rafter materials, battens, screws and the number of roof tiles.
How to Calculate the Need for Light Steel from Rafters, Battens, Roof Tiles and Screws
To make a light steel roof frame, you need to calculate the need for rafters and battens first. This material is an important part of light steel roofing. Knowing the number of rafters and battens will make it easier for you to prepare the necessary funds.
Number of Rafters
First, you can calculate the number of rafters needed or also called channels using the formula: Roof frame volume x 4) / 6 If applied to the data example above, the required number of rafters = (171 x 4) / 6 = 114 rafters.
Number of Battens
After knowing the need for rafters, you can calculate the number of battens needed using data on the number of rafters. The reason is that taso is the basis for installing battens. Check out the formula as follows:
If applied to the data example, the number of battens needed is = 114 x 1.2 = 137 battens.
Number of Roof Tiles Required
The size of the roof tiles used will determine the amount needed. Here, the calculation uses a metal roof tile model. Metal roof tiles have an area of 8 square meters, a length of 4 meters and a width of 2 meters.
Let's apply it with the formula:
Roof Volume x 1.62 The calculated roof volume is 171 square meters. The amount needed for metal roofing means 171 x 1.62 = 277.02. Because it produces a value after the comma, you can round up to 278 pieces of metal roof tiles with an area of 8 square meters. However, you should buy more roof tiles than you need. This prevents roof tile shortages if one of the tiles is defective. For other materials such as rafters and battens, you can buy spares to prevent this.
Number of Steel Screws and Tile Screws Required
The light steel roof is installed by screwing. Apart from steel screws to connect roof frames, you also need roof tile screws if installing metal roof tiles.
Let's look at how to find out the number of screws needed below:
For steel screws, you can use the formula: Roof frame volume x 20 = 171 square meters x 20 = 3,420 pieces For roof tile screws, the formula used is: Number of roof tiles needed x 12 = 278 pieces x 12 = 3,336 pieces In conclusion, for a roof with a house area of 96 square meters, 12 meters long and 8 meters wide, you need 114 light steel rafters, 137 battens, 278 pieces of metal roof tiles, 3420 steel screws and 3,336 roof tile screws.
The total costs you will incur will definitely depend on the latest prices for the materials used. So, now you know how to calculate the needs for a light steel roof for your prospective home? Hopefully it's useful and apply it immediately!


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