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Benefits of Using Galvanized for Roofs
The roof is not only to protect the house from the hot sun and rain, but also supports the aesthetic value of a building. That's why the roof has so many models. Many roof designs are now being created into unique and attractive shapes. If you are looking for an interesting house roof model idea, take a moment to look at the following reviews. Of the many varieties, there are four popular roof models in Indonesia, including:
Flat Roof
This is a roof model that is claimed to be the simplest, easiest to manufacture and cost effective. Especially when compared to other roof models. Roofs can use various types of materials such as reinforced concrete, thick zinc, asbestos, and others. The advantage of a flat roof is that it is easy to clean and repair because it is flat. The downside is that this roof model is at risk of puddles and leaks during the rainy season. That is why it needs more attention to the drainage system. Apart from that, it is also necessary to take into account good air circulation, so that the room below does not feel hot.
Sand Roof
This roof model is generally used for additional buildings such as hallways or overhangs. Usually also used for a number of modern house roof designs. The design combines a reclining roof and a gable model. From its appearance, the slope of this roof is usually not the same as the main roof. Its use makes the house look bigger and not too minimalist. Leaning roofs are often found in coastal areas or areas with lots of strong winds. Today's modern architects use a lot of leaning roof models with more beautiful and unique shape innovations.
Gable Roof
This is the most popular roof model in Indonesia. The design forms an inverted "V", looking simple and easy to make. The right roof model is applied to traditional to modern homes. The shape of the roof which has a sloping plane is able to create good absorption of radiation and heat. Raindrops can also immediately flow down without any puddles. Making it is fairly quick and simple. Now the gable roof has a number of variations such as forming the letter A with the ends hanging long and almost touching the ground. This design makes the roof have a dual function, namely as a roof as well as a wall.
Shield or Limasan Roof
The shield or pyramid roof model is a development of the gable roof. The inclined plane on all sides consists of 2 triangular planes and 2 trapezoidal planes. The tilt angle used is generally around 30 to 40 degrees. For areas with large wind forces, this roof model is highly recommended. The strong wind that blows will circle around the roof until the force is broken and the energy is reduced. The shield roof model is also very good as a protector from various weather conditions. However, its manufacture is quite complex because it has a structure that is not easy. It requires careful planning and careful calculations. In addition, the material used is relatively more expensive and requires a large amount of money.


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