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3 Types of Suffering Due to Choosing the Wrong Roo
Pillars are indeed an important foundation in a building, but that doesn't mean the roof is a trivial matter. Unfortunately, not everyone is concerned with the needs of the roof on their house. The important thing is protected from rain, the role of roof tiles is considered that trivial.
In fact, for those who want to have a house with cool architecture and a comfortable place to live in, the function of the tile is very important. The aesthetic value of a house is not only seen from the walls and yard, but also the roof.
Now, in matters of roofs, unknowingly there are things that are disturbing but are considered normal by most Indonesians. What are they?
1. Colors Don't Match the Wall Paint
Whatever the color of the walls, the tiles must be brick-colored. This has become a common sight in Indonesia. Even though the color of this tile does not necessarily match the color of the wall paint used. Trust me, as cool as the exterior architecture of your house is, it will definitely look like an old building if you use this type of tile. The heart's intention to make a house as cool as imagination can fail miserably because of it.
2. Leaks Every Rainy Season
Household items such as pots, buckets and frying pans suddenly become gods of savior during the rainy season. Actually it's not the construction of the building that's wrong, but the use of tiles is also an important factor. Usually, the tiles used by most houses are not resistant to changes in the weather. The clay material used to make roof tiles will easily become brittle in a matter of years, so roof leaks cannot be avoided.
3. Cats Mating Season Cycle
For some reason, every time they enter the breeding season, wild cats like to cluster on the roof tiles. The competition for females usually ends in fights among the males. The effect of the fighting between the males and the female's shy action turned out to be one of the factors that damaged the roof of the house because the tiles used would degenerate. When the tiles are loose and not in their proper position, you can guess that every time it rains, the house which is the mating arena for the cats will leak when it rains.
Then how do we keep our homes from experiencing the things above? Actually, as mentioned above, it's not the building structure that's wrong. Nor is it the weather and the mating season cycles of wild cats around the house. But what is a big problem is the choice of roof tiles, because today there are still many people who choose clay tiles to cover their roofs. It's no wonder that this type of tile breaks easily like a piggy bank that is slammed when we need money and doesn't last long. Moreover, the weight is also fairly heavy, you know, so it can be dangerous for house construction.
So if you don't want to experience things like the above, replace your home's roof tiles with metal tiles produced by Rainbow. Rainbow metal tile is very light, leak-proof and certainly not easily separated because it is screwed so that it becomes an integral part of the roof frame of the house. You don't need to worry about the things mentioned above anymore. Monsoons and mating cats? No need to worry?!


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