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Know How To Read House Specifications

For those of you who are looking for a house, you must be familiar with the term house specifications. However, because it is not commonplace, it is not uncommon for many people to have difficulty reading and understanding house specifications. So that you don't make the wrong choice, let's get to know how to read the following simple house specifications:
How to Read House Specifications
1. Type of house
Very often developers give house type names with numbers like type 36, type 42, type 70 and so on. This is not without reason because the number represents the area of the house. If the house type is 36, then the building area of the house is 36 square meters. In addition to the area of the house, when reading the specifications of the house, also pay attention to the area of the site or land. The site area is important for those of you who plan to renovate your home in the future. So, make sure the ratio of building area and house segment is at least 1:2 where the footprint area is at least 2 times wider than the building area. However, for a two-storey house, just calculate the area of the ground floor to determine the ratio of the footprint area.
2. Foundation
The next house specification that is often listed on house brochures is the foundation. The foundation determines the strength and sturdiness of the house. There are several types of foundations that are commonly used as house specifications in housing, such as river stone foundations and piles. Stone foundations are among the most commonly found. Even though it is strong and sturdy, river stone foundations are more suitable to be applied to non-storied houses, while for terraced houses piles are better used if the house is built with terraces.
3. Roof
When reading the specifications for the roof of a house, there are two components that can generally be found, namely the roof frame and roofing material. The roof frame determines the strength and durability of the roof structure. For now, the most popular roof truss used is lightweight steel roof truss because of its light weight so it does not become a burden on the building structure and its excellent durability. Meanwhile, roofing materials can vary greatly, from brick tiles, concrete tiles, to metal tiles. Each roofing material has its own advantages and different prices, so make sure you do your research first to find out the quality of the roofing materials we have.
4. Walls
As with roofing materials, house walls also have many types of materials, starting from bricks, light bricks, bricks, fiber bricks, and various other types. Wall materials not only affect the strength of the building but also soundproofing and others. Make sure you do research on wall materials to find out the quality of the walls of the house. Apart from the material, if the house is attached to a neighboring building, also make sure that the wall of the neighboring house is a double wall or stands alone.
5. Finishing
Reading the house specifications in the finishing section, there will be many components that you should pay attention to starting from the floor material, the size of the floor material, the finishing of the walls, ceilings and so on. Finishing affects the final appearance of the house so when reading the house specifications brochure in this section, you can try to look directly at the pictures to get a better visual picture. Prices for finishing materials also vary widely with different price ranges. So, if you buy a house, also adjust the price of the house with what finishing materials are used.
6. Doors and Windows
The next house specification that is commonly found in housing brochures is the door and window components which consist of door and window frames and the doors or windows used. Some of the common materials used for frames are aluminum and wood, while for doors, they can vary greatly, from wood, GRC board, aluminum, to other metal doors.
7. Electricity and Water Installation
When reading the specifications for electricity and water installation, the data you will receive is electricity capacity, water source, and septic tank system. For electric capacity, make sure the electric voltage provided by the developer is according to your needs and not too little. Meanwhile, generally make sure the water supply company is a trusted company.
Those are some of the most common components of house specifications that you can find when looking at a house brochure. The purpose of this house specification is so that you can find out the quality of the house that you will live in later. So, don't be lazy to carefully read the house building specifications before buying, okay!