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How to reduce heat on metal tile roofs?
The use of metal roof tiles for construction purposes is increasingly in demand. Because this building material besides being lightweight and very practical when installing it compared to clay tiles. However, metal tiles also have drawbacks. Where this material will increase the temperature of the room below. Even more so during the day and coincides with the dry season. However, there are ways to reduce heat on the roof using material from galvalum, such as doing roof insulation. Roof insulation itself is an installation of material that serves to reduce the heat from the roof of the house, so that the air in the room below becomes cooler. As for how to reduce heat on metal tile roofs, one of them is by using several types of roof insulation, including:
Aluminum Foil
Aluminum foil is one of the most widely sold and used roof insulation. Generally consists of two main layers that collaborate with each other in dissipating heat. The first layer is the aluminum foil itself. Its function is to reflect the sun's heat by up to 97%, so the indoor temperature will be reduced by up to 45%. Then there is a second layer which is hollow which consists of 3 choices of materials that can be used, such as polyethylene, bubble pack, and glass wool.
Bubble Foil
Next, there is bubble foil whose properties and shape are almost like aluminum foil roof insulation. It's just that this material has a surface shape like stacked circles.
Glass Wool
No less than aluminum foil, glass wool which is made of fiberglass which is processed to form a wool-like layer can also be used for insulation. Typically, glass wool material is often used as a heat sink for office buildings, music studios, and factories.
Not only used to make a mixture of clothing materials, plastic bottles. Polyester can also be used as a heat absorbing material on roofs. Generally, the type of polyester used is R3.5. This material is very light and safe for any environment. Unfortunately, the price of this material is relatively more expensive.
Polyurethane Foam
This one material has a liquid texture that is slightly dense. So that it can absorb heat more strongly and does not fade easily even though the weather is extreme. In addition, polyurethane foam can also be used for various roofing styles, including metal tiles, wood, asbestos, concrete, and many more.
Styrofoam panels
This material is made of plastic. Even so, styrofoam panels are also very effective at absorbing heat, because they are made of plastic granules which are compacted and filled with air. There are many advantages of styrofoam panels, such as affordable prices, easy installation processes, and a wide variety of sizes so that they can be adjusted to your needs.
Those are some ways to reduce heat on metal tile roofs by using several types of roof insulation. Apart from the methods above, you can also make ventilation, install ceilings, and install turbine ventilators.


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