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4 Possible Causes of Leaking Tiles
Now, if you already know about the ways you can do to repair the tile, see what are the possible causes of leaking tile below:
1. The tile position is messy
The location of the tile that is not tight can certainly allow water to penetrate your home. Usually the most common cause that often occurs is the position of the tile that is not tight.
2. The tile is broken
There are 2 solutions that you can practice so that the broken tile can be covered. The first is to find a tile that is the same size, and the second is to coat the tile with fiber and also waterproof paint. Usually the builders prefer the second way because it is simpler.
3. Arched roof construction
The third possible cause is the curved roof construction. The way that can be done to fix it is to use mild steel as a roof construction material.
4. Hollow and rusty zinc gutters
Holes in zinc gutters can be overcome by using aluminum zinc which is strong and rust resistant. Meanwhile, if the gutters are cracked, you can still fix it by using fiber and also waterproof paint.


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