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7 Inspiration for sloping roof houses that are mor
The shape of the sloping roof house is currently being widely used and hits in the property world. This roof model has actually been around for a long time, because it was originally used in old houses or traditional houses. However, along with the times, the roof of the house was deliberately made flat like that of today's modern house designs. However, it seems that this sloping roof house design is gaining popularity again and is no less interesting.
Come on, take a peek at the inspiration for the following sloping roof designs!
The advantages of a sloping roof house design
The sloping roof house design is a design on the roof of the house that is made with a slope. This can be tilted to the right, left, front, to back. The level of inclination also varies, ranging from 20-45 degrees. The use of a sloping roof house design is not without reason, you know! Apart from its unique design, a house with a sloping roof design also has many advantages. The main advantage of a sloping roof is that it can reduce the heat entering the room of the house. This is one of the reasons why the design of a sloping roof house is very suitable for use in Indonesia, which has a tropical climate.
In addition, the sloping roof design of the house also allows rainwater which falls on the roof of the house to quickly flow down. That way, the risk of leaks during heavy rain can be properly minimized. The material used to make a sloping roof can be wood, concrete, to iron. The selection of this material should be adjusted to the budget funds and overall design of the house, so that the theme can be aligned.
Sloping Roof House Inspiration
For those of you who are interested in making a sloping roof house, there are several designs that you can take a look at to serve as inspiration, namely:
1. Simple sloping roof house
You can apply this idea to a minimalist home design because it looks simple. A simple tilt position will also give a broad impression on the appearance of the house. You only need to make the roof slope evenly without any indentations or levels on the roof. Use tile material as the roof of the house, so that it looks neater and more attractive.
2. The roof of the house is tilted to the side
If you want a unique sloping roof model, make a roof design that tilts to the side. This type is the most widely used because it can make the appearance of the house more artistic. You can also install pillars on one side of the building, you know! Not only can they beautify the appearance of the front of the house, these pillars can also help support the roof better. The roof design of this house is suitable for industrial to minimalist themed houses.
3. Stacked Sloping Roof Houses
Unlike the two previous designs, this one's sloping roof design does look more complicated. This is because the roofs are made sloping or multilevel, that is, one roof is made slanted and the other roof is made flat or slanted to the side. This design is perfect for industrial-themed homes, because you can use iron or steel as the roofing material.
4. The roof of the house tilts to the right and left
Furthermore, there is a house design with a roof that slopes to the right and left. This design looks beautiful and is widely used in modern to minimalist themed home models. A house with a sloping roof to the right and left aims to give the impression that the house looks symmetrical. In the middle of the house, a balcony will usually be made to enhance the appearance of the house.
5. Forward Leaning Roof House
Making a sloping roof towards the front will also look unique, because the roof will appear to fall straight towards the front of the terrace. If you apply this design, you can add no terrace to beautify the front appearance of the facade. This sloping roof design is suitable for minimalist, modern and industrial home themes.
6. The roof of the house is tilted backwards
Want a different home look? You can try to apply a backward sloping roof design. Unlike the widely used side or front sloping roof design, this design is rarely used. However, the overall appearance is no less artistic. The distinctive feature of this design is the roof which slopes backwards so that later when it rains, the water will fall to the back of the house, not to the front of the terrace.
7. A house with a sloping roof that blends in with the building
Not only in modern minimalist themed houses, many contemporary cafes use this roof design. You can make a roof design that slopes to the right and left, with the lower part made to blend with the main house.
That's a sloping roof model with a variety of unique designs for the house. Which one suits your taste?


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