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Easy Tips for Buying a Light Steel Roof
There are many choices of types of materials for the construction of the roof of the house. One of them, mild steel. This material is starting to be widely used because it is relatively cheaper, lighter, and more durable. Now the problem is, in the building materials market, there are various types of materials, brands, and material prices for this roof truss.
Then which one should you choose? Yep, don't make the wrong choice in buying a lightweight steel roof and these are the tips. Before buying, consumers need to be more careful. Thorough in identifying the material and the lightweight steel roof truss system as a whole, not just an offer from a supplier or contractor. To understand the lightweight steel roof truss, we must first understand that this product is a structural product that supports the roof's load, wind, and life under the roof later. When choosing, there are 4 main components in the lightweight steel roof truss that you should pay attention to:
1. Strength of steel material
Steel materials have varying degrees of strength. Currently the best is mild steel that has a specification of G550 or a yield stress of 550 Mpa. This material is different from conventional steel, which has a yield stress of 300 Mpa (G300). However, because the basic nature of steel is rust, this steel must also be protected against rust. There are two types of protection; Galvaniz or coatings made of zinc, and zinczlume which are made from a mixture of zinc, aluminum and silicon.
2. Pay attention to the design and calculation of the structure
There are several types of lightweight steel roof truss providers. Many well-known manufacturers use special software to design the roof truss design and calculate its strength level. Some other manufacturers do not use the software. Software is believed to be able to calculate the level of frame strength in more detail. In fact, the software can simulate the load on the roof truss later. From this software, among other things, detailed working drawings are produced showing the dimensions of the frame, the type of connection and the number of screws in each connection.
3. Light steel frame installation and assembly
You need to make sure that the installer is not by just any handyman. Convince yourself that this steel roof truss installer has a certificate of fit for installation. That way you get a guarantee that the design is in the form of the correct image to be ready to be installed correctly as well.
4. Periodic monitoring
Periodic supervision from supervisors who have been appointed by the fabricator or from the brand owner.
After the four things above are complete, don't forget to ask for a product warranty letter and installation.


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