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Choose the Right Minimalist Roof
The house is essentially a place for shelter and shelter. Take shelter and shelter from the sun, from wild animals and from heat or rain. Even the house is also a place for residents to rest. Therefore a house must have important components in it. The space in the house must fit, besides that the roof must also be taken into consideration. Imagine if the house is not designed with a qualified roof, maybe you will not be comfortable staying in the house for long. Well, that's why when you build or renovate a house, you have to make an effort to choose the roof of the house as well as possible. Here we also have tips for you on choosing the right roof for your house. Let's just see the information about the tips here!
Tips for Choosing the Right Roof Design for a Minimalist House
Before we discuss what the most appropriate roof design looks like, you must first understand what your home looks like. This is because choosing the shape of the roof of the house must match the type and shape of the house you are building. For example, a simple minimalist type house uses a flat or standard roof shape. Adjust also choose the roof of the house with the weather conditions in your area. Well, besides that, the first tips for choosing a minimalist roof design are:
Choose the Best Roofing Material
Roofing materials are usually various types. Choose the best material so that it can be comfortable and blend with the conditions of your home while being durable so you don't have to replace it repeatedly.
Find the best roof shape inspiration
You can look for inspiration on the internet, design magazines or other sources. For those of you who design a house with a minimalist home concept, the shape of the roof that fits perfectly with your home is the shield roof. With this shield roof, your home will look more luxurious. You can use a shield roof with a slope angle of about 350 which consists of about 4 sides of the plane. You can form 2 planes with triangles and 2 more areas with trapezoids. Meanwhile, for those of you who design a house with a modern luxury concept, you can choose a roof whose shape is a combination of a flat roof and a shield. The shape of the flat roof uses concrete while the shield roof uses tiles in general. However, if there is a flat roof, there is one drawback, namely when it rains, the water will be difficult to flow smoothly.
Customize Weather Conditions
Of course you already know what the weather is like in Indonesia. Well, when you build a house, try to conceptualize your house by estimating the weather conditions. Also choose materials that can last a long time with the weather conditions in Indonesia. That's a few tips that this time we can give in connection with the Right Tips for Choosing a Minimalist Roof Design. Hopefully it can be a useful information as well as an inspiration for you.


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