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How to take care of house tiles to stay durable
Tile is one of the important and functional elements. Aside from being a roof covering, tile also serves to protect residents from heat and rain. Therefore, house tiles also need maintenance to keep them looking aesthetically pleasing. Moreover, if the condition of the tile has aged alias in eating age. Tile can also be mossy and the condition can be blackened so that it is not pleasing to the eye. Tile that is not treated can cause leaks in the future and can be dangerous for the occupants of the house. To minimize the risk, let's see how to take care of the tiles below!
7 Ways to Take Care of House Tiles to Stay Durable
1. Clean Dirt
In one condition, dirt in the form of crusty moss is often found on house tiles. This can happen because in the rainy season, moss grows and will dry up when summer arrives. So, clean the dirt using clean water and soap by rubbing. If there is fungus growing in the crevices of the tile, it should also be cleaned. You need to be careful when cleaning it because the tile can be slippery, right!
2. Stay away from tree branches
If around the house there is a tree and its branches are hanging on the roof or roof tile, then it should be cut immediately. Moreover, if the tree branches are large. This is of course very dangerous because at any time it will override and damage the tile.
3. Replace the Weathered Tile
If when checking there are tiles that have started to rot due to age, it is recommended to replace them with new ones. If the tile is not replaced immediately, the consequence is a leak from the roof of the house. This applies to all types of tiles.
4. Fix Sliding Tile
In certain circumstances, the case of sagging tiles is very dangerous for the occupants of the house and other people. Tile sag can be caused by being blown by the wind or due to age. So, replace or repair the tile to its original position. Replace the weathered tile to reduce the risk of the tile slumping.
5. Repaint
Repainting can be the best choice so that the tile returns like new and durable. Choose tile paint that is durable and of good quality to maintain the color of the paint for years to come. Don't forget, look for references before buying it because there are many choices of brands that can be obtained from iron shops. Repainting the tile is a solution if you don't have the funds to replace the tile with a new one.
6. Use Upholstery
To make it last longer, use a leak-proof coating paint on the tile. This is necessary so that during the rainy season, water does not easily seep. The seeping water will cost again. So, it would be better to anticipate this early. There are quite a number of coating paints such as polymer or acrylic to liquid additives that can be used.
7. Pay Attention to Hair Cracks and Nok
Finally, pay attention to hair cracks and roofs. If there are hair cracks around the tile, it is prone to leaks or seeps. Not only that, also pay attention to the roof or at the end of the tile which is plastered with cement because it is prone to leaking. Change the tile to reduce the risk going forward.
Tips for Caring for House Tiles
- Perform maintenance at least once every 3 months
- Check the condition of the tile when the weather is not raining
- Use safety devices when repairing broken tiles
- Use special cleaners that are easy to find at material stores
- Choose a quality replacement tile type
 - Pay attention to the roof drainage system so that water flows smoothly
That's how to take care of a good and correct tile. Hope it's useful!


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