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Tips for Overcoming Leaking Roofs in the Rainy Sea
For people who live in countries with high rainfall, such as in Indonesia, leaking roofs are certainly a very annoying problem. Well, to get around this problem so that it doesn't spread to other parts of the house, please listen to the tips that Rainbow summarizes from various sources.
Check Roof Condition
It could be, the leak on the roof of your house turned out to be just a trivial matter. Call it, the position of the house tile that is not in place. To overcome the sliding tile you can put nails on the battens located below it. The function of this nail is to support the tile so that the tile remains installed correctly.
In addition to the wooden frame that is strong and not brittle, you also check the slope of the roof. The goal is to be able to ward off rainwater optimally and minimize the emergence of seepage or leakage. Try so that the roof slope is not too sloping, about 25 degrees to less than 40 degrees. If it is more than that, the potential for the tile to decline will be greater, resulting in seepage.
In order to reduce the potential for rainwater seepage, you also need to choose the size and shape of the gutter that is adjusted to the rainwater discharge. If the gutter is too small, of course, it will not be able to accommodate and drain rainwater into the sewer below. In addition, try not to connect the roof gutters because it can trigger seepage. Don't forget to clean the roof gutters from garbage regularly so that the water flow is not obstructed.
Plumbing Repair
Leaks on the roof of the house can also come from a damaged water pipe. If that's the case, you should immediately make repairs. This is because a damaged water pipe will interfere with the flow of rainwater so that it can erode the roof of the house. Do not be lazy to replace cracked water pipes so that the damage caused by leaks does not expand.
Water Proofing is the Right Solution
Various variants of leak-proof coating brands are available in the market. The most common is a leak-proof coating paint. This product is an instant relief that you can use to deal with seepage. In order to avoid seepage again, you can choose a leak-proof coating paint with the best quality and best suited to the type of roof of the house. The goal is none other than that the product is truly optimal to protect the house from the threat of leakage.
For those of you whose roof is made of concrete, you can use a waterproofing coating. After the concrete is cast and has undergone a process of flooding for a week, continue with the use of a waterproofing coating. With a waterproofing coating, the pores in the building structure will be smaller and more impermeable to water.
Advances in technology have made it possible to find water-repellent paints that are effective at protecting homes optimally. You can coat the roof of the house with waterproof paint to protect it when it rains. Also use water-repellent paint on the walls of your house. Its function is so that it is not easily exposed to seepage of water that comes down from the top of the house. This paint can also protect the walls of your house from fungus that often grows in the rainy season.
Well, that's a few tips that you can apply to avoid leaking on the roof of the house. Good luck!


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