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5 Important Things Before Installing a Gable
The gable roof is one type of roof that is widely used in Indonesian residential communities. But before choosing to apply it, first pay attention to these 5 things!
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1. Roof slope
Perform an accurate calculation process to determine the most appropriate level of roof slope for housing. A structure that is too sloping will prevent water from flowing and a structure that is too steep increases the risk of the tile falling off.
2. Resistance to hot weather
The choice of the type of gable roof that is commonly used in house architecture in Indonesia is not without reason, but because of its main advantage that it can withstand hot temperatures.
3. Precise installation
Although it is quite sturdy and durable, if the installation stage is not carried out properly then the roof of the house will potentially be more vulnerable and easily collapse when hit by strong winds.
4. Rainwater load
With the level of rainfall that varies throughout the year, the aspect of the durability of the gable roof to withstand water loads must be considered. Make sure not to over-install the roof until it's too sloping.
5. Ceiling space utilization
Its distinctive structure with a triangular shape often makes the gable roof have additional empty space in the ceiling area. With the right design, the empty space on the gable ceiling can be used for various purposes.
If you are one of those people who are planning to build a dwelling using a gable roof, try applying these 5 tips. See you in the next video!



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