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Tips for Overcoming Light Steel Precarious Problem
During the rainy season, roof leaks are an unpleasant problem for any family. Leaking roofs can be caused by various things, one of which is the occupants of the house not being able to take care of the roof properly. In this case, what is meant is critical. Mild steel roof tiles or often called metal roof tiles are considered better than other types of tiles. This type of roof tiles is starting to be in demand by the public because of the advantages it has, including lighter weight, cheaper price, and durable. But you know what? All types of tiles that are not properly maintained have the potential to leak. Well, when you know there is a critical leak, you need to fix it immediately before the leak gets wider. Well, for those of you who are trying to repair metal roof tiles yourself for the first time, consider the tips below:
Find the cause and source of the leak first
In the case of critical leaks, the cause of the leak can be caused by various things, including:
- The connection between the tiles is blocked by leaves or tree branches, causing rainwater to enter the house
- Tiles made of metal can form hollows due to being stepped on. --- This formed basin will change the waterway so that it can enter the house
- Damaged tiles due to tearing or holes
- The slope of the roof of your house is not up to the standard it should be. This causes the rain water does not fall directly to the bottom.
- No cementing is carried out at the meeting between the roof and the wall or cracks occur at the meeting. As a result, rainwater will seep into the house.
- Installation of tiles that are not correct, such as tiles installed sideways or not straight
- Check the source of the leak which means that water droplets must be traced to the roof.
If the source of the leak has been identified, immediately carry out repairs as follows:
Leak on Nok (Rabung)
Replace and trim the Nok again or check the SDS (Self Driving Screw) nails on the roof. Sealant (silicone watershield) can be used on SDS nails if needed
Leaks in gutters
Check the severity of the leak that occurs in the gutter. If the leak is small, it can be patched using additives. However, if the leak hole is large, then you should replace the gutter with a new one.
Leak on the roof
If the source of the leak turns out to be from one of the tiles, then check more carefully the source of the leak. Leaks can be caused by the arrangement of the tile sheets is not correct and neat. You can overcome this by smoothing the arrangement of the tile sheets and nailing them firmly and neatly. If the source of the leak comes from the SDS nails installed on the roof, it can be overcome by applying a sealant to the SDS nails so that water does not seep in.
Leak on wall flashing
You need to investigate further whether the leak occurs in the plaster of the wall flashing cover or in the wall flashing sheet. If the leak only occurs in the plaster of the wall flashing cover, you can apply a water proofing material to the plaster. However, if a leak occurs in the wall flashing sheet, you can tidy up and replace the sheet.
Monitor the repair of light steel roof tiles
Monitoring needs to be done on a rainy day to be able to assess whether the repairs carried out have succeeded in dealing with leaks or not. If a leak is still found, you need to re-examine it more neatly and thoroughly.
You should only buy mild steel roof tiles of good quality. The quality of the roof tiles that you buy also affects the weather resistance of the tiles. Make sure you buy tiles or other building materials at a trusted and experienced shop. Visit our website at www.materialbangun.com and get quality metal roofing at the best prices.


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