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Five important building construction requirements
Building construction is made as a facility and infrastructure for various human needs so that even in its construction, many important aspects need to be considered for the perfection of a building. In addition, a building can also be an addition or change from something that already exists that is used for certain interests or purposes. Construction of a construction is usually done by more than one person. The bigger a building is, the more people it will take to complete it within a set time. The safety of the project workers should also be a top priority because the building itself is a human creation.
Building Construction Grouping
The building was formed with a specific purpose from the parties involved. In this modern and dynamic world, more and more buildings are seen around the city or area with various functions that are intended for the benefit of the people. The function of the building itself falls into several construction groups such as buildings, transportation, water and special. Buildings can be hotels, hospitals, houses, offices and so on. Examples of transportation buildings are roads, bridges, ports and other facilities. Irrigation canals and culverts can be categorized as a group of water structures. Meanwhile, electricity grid towers, radio and television transmitters are special types of buildings.
Important Terms of Building Construction
Construction of buildings made for humans in building a civilization. The more luxurious and majestic a building is, the more advanced human civilization itself will be. The following are five general requirements in a building including:
- Strong and Durable
The definition of strong and durable is that a building must be solid or in the sense that it is not easily damaged so that it can save on repair costs. The supports must be strong so that the building can stand for a long time
- Functional
Has the understanding that a building is erected according to its use. This also includes the shape, size, organization of space that is really built according to the needs of its users.
- Beautiful
A building is said to be beautiful if it is pleasing to the eye. Buildings with beautiful architecture and interiors will get a lot of attention from the people who see them. The more unique an architecture, the higher its aesthetic value.
- Hygienic
Hygienic here is not only about the cleanliness of the building, but it is hygienic here if a building has sufficient air and light circulation so that the occupants will feel comfortable and healthy.
- Economical
This means that there is no excessive waste when the construction of a construction is running, so that it becomes cost effective and efficient, according to its functions and needs.
Thus, after knowing about the important elements and requirements in a building construction, it is hoped that contractors who want to build will pay more attention to these elements and apply them in real terms. A building itself is said to be good if it is environmentally friendly and does not interfere with the comfort of the people around the building so as to minimize the risk of the development


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