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Unique Facts about the Limas House Roof Model
The house is a shelter, making and building it to be comfortable and safe is the most important thing for us as home owners. However, to realize all of that, there are many things that must be considered, whether it is from the interior or exterior of the house so that apart from being beautiful, the house will feel safe. Along with the development of the modernization era, it affects the property world, including the roof model, which is also very varied, but as in the title of this review, we want to discuss the Unique Facts of the Limas Roof Model. As the name implies, the roof used for this house is also in the form of a pyramid and the building made is also adjusted. The use of pyramid roofs is now being hotly discussed by various groups of people, whether it's in forums or in cyberspace. Now for those of you who want to choose a pyramid roof, take a little time to find out the unique facts about the pyramid roof model below.
Positive Facts about the Limas House Roof Model There are several advantages of the pyramid roof model if you choose it to design a house, namely:
1. Suitable for narrow land. If you live in an urban area that doesn't allow a large house, then a minimalist house with a pyramid roof model can be the best solution for you and your family.
2. A house with a pyramid model has a steepness of 40 to 60 degrees so it is very helpful when it is raining. With the top shape, water will be able to easily fall to the bottom and have less chance of leakage.
3. By having a pyramid roof model you will get protection from rain and sun in a balanced way from every side of the house.
4. The roof design of a pyramid house can show a majestic and valuable impression, for example, the Joglo House which is often found in Central Java.
5. More modern. The pyramid-shaped roof will look very modern and contemporary when compared to other roof forms.
6. Flexible. This type of roof is very flexible because it is suitable for homes with narrow land or large land so that many people choose.
The Negative Facts of the Limas House Roof Model
We must realize that everything must have two sides, both positive and negative sides. Do you know what are the disadvantages of the pyramid roof model? Here are some negative facts about pyramid roofs that you need to know and it is important to anticipate them:
1. Bigger budget. The first weakness is because the pyramid roof uses a large number of horses, so you have to spend a larger budget than other roof models.
2. Construction is more complicated. In terms of construction, the pyramid roof design will be more complicated than other roof models. However, once it is finished, it will have a higher aesthetic value than other roof models.
3. Even though the slope of the roof makes it easy for rainwater to fall to the ground, if at the time the process is not neat, it will allow leaks which are certainly very disturbing to you and your family
4. You must use a large number of roof coverings if you choose a pyramid house model.
After you have read the advantages and disadvantages of the pyramid roof, now is the time to consider whether the roof model is suitable to be applied to your favorite home with your family. Hopefully it can inspire those of you who want to design or renovate a house.


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