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Four Ways to Overcome Roof Problems
Leaks on the roof of the house can be caused by many things. If left and not handled properly, the condition of the roof will certainly get worse. Problems will increase when the rainy season arrives. Rainwater that falls will enter the house through the roof gap, causing dampness and flooding. So that it doesn't happen to you, first know the damage and take appropriate countermeasures. Here are the tips for you.
Fix Tile
Often times, the problem of leaks on the roof is caused by the shifting position of the tile. In addition, the placement of the tile position that does not fit can also cause gaps and become a way for water to enter. For that, check and repair the position of the tile periodically. Not only position, leaks can also be caused by cracked, cracked, or even missing tiles. This can be caused by animals or strong winds. Immediately replace the damaged part so that the roof does not leak!
Give a waterproof layer
One effective and efficient way to deal with leaks is to use a waterproof layer. You can do this process if the damage to the tile or roof is not too big, such as small holes or cracks. The application is quite easy. Simply apply the coating material on the problem area and wait for it to dry. The impermeable liquid itself will get into the holes and cracks and act as a patch. Alternatively, you can use a carpet or waterproof mat such as a tarp to cover the leaking tile. This is a temporary alternative if you don't have time to fix the roof when it rains.
Roof remodel
Construction errors, inappropriate tile and roof elevations, and poor material selection can also cause water to seep into the house. Problems like this must be addressed by repairing and refining the section. Even if the damage is severe, you are highly recommended to remodel the roof of the house. Avoid these mistakes early on or from the time you build your house. Do this seriously so that later you don't have to spend a lot of maintenance costs. Imagine the money that must be spent to repair that part of the roof if it is done on a whim. Of course it will be very expensive.
Fix Drains
Clogged drains, broken, too small in size, or the level of the slope is not right can have an effect on the seepage of water from the roof into the house. If this problem occurs to you, immediately check the gutters and drain pipes installed at the top of the house.
Clean the drains of leaves, moss, and garbage regularly so that the channel can function properly. Also correct its position if there is a shift or change in the shape of the pipeline. Hopefully these tips are useful for you all.


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