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How to Make a Sturdy and Leakproof Roof
The roof is a house covering element that has a very important role for the survival of its inhabitants. In addition, the roof and ceiling determine the level of security and aesthetics of a house or building. Roof work also needs special attention or consideration in order to avoid damage such as leaking roofs, blowing by the wind, besides that the costs incurred need to be more efficient. There are several considerations that need to be considered when you want to make a roof, including the following:

1. Types of horses
The increasing scarcity of quality wood plus the high price of wood for the material for making horses raises several alternative choices, including using sopi-sopi and mild steel.

2. Roof shape
Based on the shape, the roof is divided into three types, namely the gable model, the shield model, and the pyramid model. Among the three roof models, the gable roof model is the simplest model and is more cost efficient to manufacture.
The advantage of the gable roof model is that it is simple in shape so that the work is faster than other models, then the risk of leaking is relatively small because there are no jurais and gutters in the middle, and the need for materials ranging from wood curtains, roof coverings, and roofs is less.

3. Roof cover
Many materials can be used as roof coverings, ranging from expensive to cheap. To make the cost of building a house more effective, use roof coverings that are economically priced, such as fiber cement, plentong tiles, Morando tiles, and concrete tiles.


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