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What is the shape of the leaning roof? What are th
Traditional society cannot be separated from the shape of the sloping roof, regardless of the type of frame material and roof covering. The shape of the sloping roof is judged according to weather or climatic conditions. The sloping shape is considered suitable for channeling rainwater to quickly fall. However, technological advances and current architectural developments have led to innovative materials and designs that can accommodate all existing limitations (climate/weather, narrow/wide area of ??land, and demands for efficiency in the placement of a building element). This means that a solution will always be found.

An easy example like this. The emergence of a curved roof is a solution to the condition of the increasingly distant span. In fact, for aesthetic reasons an architect can apply this form. So, no longer tied to the local environment. Many alternative forms of the roof can be created. The condition is to remain faithful to the context and optimal in utilizing technology. Known types of gable roofs, standard, pyramid, shield, combination, flat roofs, and arched roofs.

So what is meant by a standard roof shape?
A standard roof has 1 sloping roof area that attaches to or rests on the walls of the house building, so it is also called an outboard roof.

- Can be a camouflage roof as if from the front view it will resemble a flat roof.

- Requires a fairly large slope, so it is necessary to pay attention to the width of the building span.
- The wider the building plan, the greater the angle of the roof which will affect the cost.


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