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Anticipating Leaks When It Rains, Here Are The Tip

In facing the rainy season, one of the most important things is to make sure there are no leaks on the roof of our house. The roof of the house is one of the most important parts of the house. Because when there is a leak or damage to the roof, of course the comfort of the family of friends will be disturbed. And as an anticipatory step for this, one should know how to care for the roof of the house properly and properly so that it prevents leaks.

Here are some tips that can be put into practice in order to care for the roof of your house.

- Clean the roof from dirt, such as sand and moss deposits that can trigger cracks in the roof.

- Clean the gutters from rubbish and other debris, so that when it rains, the water flow is not blocked.

- Check the position of the tile used. If any tile drops or shifts, it is immediately corrected in its proper position.

- Also make sure that the conditions of the tiled roofs of the friends' houses are appropriate. For example, ceramic tile requires a tilt angle of about 30 degrees, while asbestos needs about 15 degrees. If the slope conditions are not observed properly, rain and wind may enter through the tile gap.

- If you find a cracked tile, you should just replace it, or patch / repair it like the method previously discussed, you can use Styrofoam, waterproof or cement.

- Also check the construction whether the condition is still sturdy, safe, and has not changed.

- If you can't do it yourself, you can pay someone to do it.
In facing the rainy season, one of the most important things is to make sure there are no leaks on the roof of our house. The roof of the house is one of the most important parts of the house. Because when there is a leak or damage to the roof, of course the comfort of the family of friends will be disturbed. And as an anticipatory step for this, one should know how to care for the roof of the house properly and properly so that it prevents leaks.
Here are some tips that can be put into practice in order to care for the roof of your house.
- Clean the roof from dirt, such as sand and moss deposits that can trigger cracks in the roof.
- Clean the gutters from rubbish and other debris, so that when it rains, the water flow is not blocked.
- Check the position of the tile used. If any tile drops or shifts, it is immediately corrected in its proper position.
- Also make sure that the conditions of the tiled roofs of the friends' houses are appropriate. For example, ceramic tile requires a tilt angle of about 30 degrees, while asbestos needs about 15 degrees. If the slope conditions are not observed properly, rain and wind may enter through the tile gap.
- If you find a cracked tile, you should just replace it, or patch / repair it like the method previously discussed, you can use Styrofoam, waterproof or cement.
- Also check the construction whether the condition is still sturdy, safe, and has not changed.
- If you can't do it yourself, you can pay someone to do it.
How, easy isn't it. And for proper maintenance of the roof of the house, checking should be done at least once in 3 months.
So, before you experience a leak, you should immediately check the condition of the roof of your house. Especially when it is still the rainy season, because it is better to prevent than to cure.
How, easy isn't it. And for proper maintenance of the roof of the house, checking should be done at least once in 3 months. So, before you experience a leak, you should immediately check the condition of the roof of your house. Especially when it is still the rainy season, because it is better to prevent than to cure.


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