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Reasons You Should Use a Galvanized Roof at Home
In recent years, the use of galvanized roofing materials has become quite well known as a substitute for wooden roofs, spandex, plywood and PVC as they have long been used. Galvanized roof or what is often called mild steel is a method adapted from Japan.
Galvanized roof is high quality steel which is light and thin. The word galvanized stands for galvanized and aluminum. Here are 6 reasons why you should choose a galvanized roof at home!
More Cost Effective
Roof designs with galvanized roofs can be used for a very long time without having to frequently change the roof frame. Can you imagine how much it will cost if we have to spend money to replace the roof of a house that is constantly attacked by termites?
Galvanized roof free from termites
As it is known that the use of wooden roofs is susceptible to being eaten by termites, especially if the type of wood used is of poor quality. Termites are a frightening specter for people who have wooden frames. The solution, you can consider using a galvanized roof which is more sturdy and termite resistant. So, you don't have to bother preparing a way to get rid of termites at home!
Development is faster
Galvanized roofs that are ready to install will greatly save time working on various building projects. For example, a minimalist type 36 house can be completed in approximately 1 week using a galvanized roof truss.
Galvanized roof is lighter
As the name implies, galvanized roofs or also known as lightweight steel roof trusses have a much lighter weight than conventional wood or iron frames. Galvanized roofs are easy to move from place to place, increasing the percentage of worker safety.
However, not everyone can install a galvanized roof
Not everyone is familiar and capable of working on galvanized roofs. Limited human resources make it necessary for us extra time to find the right craftsman and is truly an expert. Because of this, the installation costs tend to be much higher than that of wooden roof trusses.
That is the reason why you should consider using a galvanized roof at home. Interested in trying?


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