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The choice of roof form and its use
There are many types of roofs used to protect housing. Each design has a different shape and gives a distinct impression to each residence. Then which type of roof is suitable for today's homes? The form of roofs installed in Indonesia is actually quite diverse. Even so, one most important thing, the roof must have a sloping design so that it can drain rainwater properly to the ground. This design itself is influenced by Indonesia's tropical climate and has high rainfall. Here are some roof designs that are perfect for your home choice.
1. Modern Gable House
The gable is a design that is very commonly used in homes in Indonesia. This roof model has two trapezoid-shaped surfaces with a slope of 30-40 degrees. It is called a saddle roof because it is said to resemble a seat on a horse's back (saddle). The shape of this roof is very simple and has the right slope to drain rainwater to the ground. That is why it is not difficult to find houses with such roofs in several regions in Indonesia.
2. Form of a Shield Roof
Just like saddles, the form of a shield roof is often applied at home.
This roof has a surface shape consisting of two parallelograms on the sides and two triangles on the front which are joined at one point. What makes it different from a saddle? This one roof model has a design that looks more modern. Modern minimalist houses today often use it as a house cover.
3. Forms of Limas House Roof
The pyramid-shaped roof is almost the same as the shield roof design. The difference is, this type of roof is composed of a surface that is all triangular. The shape is conical like a pyramid or pyramid. The flared roof design is balanced and precise on all sides, providing even protection to the walls of the house from heat and rain.
4. Shape of the house roof sloping, aka the roof back
Over time and changing trends, a design of a roof with a single sloping surface was created. This type of roof is now widely applied to minimalist homes with modern designs. Initially the model of the roof back was only used as an additional part. This unique appearance makes modern and futuristic minimalist residential owners often use the form of the roof of this one house.
5. Butterfly Roof Shape
Roofs with butterfly designs are not yet too commonly used in homes in Indonesia. On the other hand, there are some houses that have applied them with contemporary and minimalist designs. Shaped like a trapezoid like a wing that is divided in two. The sizes of the two roof surfaces may not be identical. Can be large next door or small next door. The raindrops that fall will be caught in the middle and then flowed down. This water can also be used for daily needs such as watering plants and others.


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