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Modern Roof Design Options, Can Be Applied at Home
In recent years, simple modern roof designs have become very popular. Because, several types of modern roof designs have many advantages, one of which is cheap. In addition, modern roof designs are also popular because they have a unique architectural style and reinforce the concept of home. Here is a simple roof design model that can be an appropriate reference for your home.

1. Modern flat roof since long time ago, modern architectural design has been marked by the shape of a flat roof. Flat roofs have long horizontal planes and look like they form broad lines. Modern roof design is also often an example of good form and function of the principle of clean lines. A flat roof can be a brave support for proper protection and can control sunlight coming into the house. In fact, modern flat roof designs can be made with plants planted or can be used as a rooftop for your relaxing moments. However, each roof design also has its own pluses and minuses. Especially for the modern flat roof design, the slope is so simple, making every corner is not big enough to be seen by everyone. In addition, a modern flat roof also has a thicker compiler material compared to other roof models.

2. Warehouse roofs in addition to flat roofs, warehouse roofs are another example of a clean, simple, and functional roof structure. This simple roof line does look very modern. This roof lets a lot of sunlight in and replaces the function of the attic space which is sometimes not practical with more interior volume. One of the advantages of a warehouse roof is its ability to make the ceiling look taller. This allows greater natural light as well as a wider view. Another advantage of the warehouse roof, the slope is designed to block direct sunlight in the summer when excessive but let it into the house when the rainy season arrives.

Because it has a steeper slope than a flat roof, the roof truss can be a number of materials, depending on the range. Similar to a flat roof, various ceiling aesthetics can also be achieved. And depending on your design taste, the framing of the warehouse roof can be hidden above the ceiling or left open below. However, the warehouse roof has the disadvantage of being able to spill water to one side because of this slope. For that, you need to make a house that can drain the rain water that falls from the roof.

3. Gable roofs are like flat roofs, gable roofs have long been part of the history of modern roofing architecture. The saddle roof has a very simple, easy, and functional design character that fits into the characteristics of modern roof designs. Gable roofs provide opportunities for additional floor space in the roof volume, such as attic space. This serves to increase the floor area that can be used and natural light entering the room. Another reason the shape of the gable looks modern is that the shape of the ceiling is the same as the dome. Domed ceilings add volume to a room, which is why many modern home designs with gable roofs use domed ceilings. The gable frame usually consists of ridge beams and sloped rafters or prefabricated wooden frames. Similar to the roof of a warehouse, the gable roof is also easily flowed by rainwater because of its dome-like shape. However, you need to build a ditch to drain rainwater that drops from the roof.


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