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Choose Where: Go Green Roof or Spandek?
The selection of the roof becomes one of the determinants in the calculation of the budget, adjusting the model and the effectiveness of each building. Here we provide two choices of roofs that can be an option for you, namely Go Green roof and Spandek roof. Both have their advantages and disadvantages that are very important for you to know in advance to suit your needs and desires. Come on, just read the explanation in the article below.

Go Green roof
The concept of environmentally friendly housing is currently widely applied in urban areas. Not just providing green open space outside or inside the house, environmentally friendly homes are also composed of building materials that support the principle of go green. One of the materials or materials that support this principle is the go green roof. Go Green roof is a roof that is manufactured from steel plastic and the latest technology that produces high-quality roof quality and flexibility. Go Green roofing provides the best solution for wave roofs that are sturdy, safe, non-rusting, economical and durable. Go Green roof is a choice for those of you who want a roof that can withstand heat and reduce sound at very economical prices.

Advantages of Go Green Roofs:
1. Anti-Rust
Go Green roof is guaranteed to be free from rust and 100% corrosion, because it has high humidity conditions. Many people have felt that when they use and choose the Go Green roof.
2. Environmentally friendly
Called environmentally friendly because all the materials used by Go Green roofs use environmentally friendly materials so they can be easily recycled again.
3. Light and Flexible
The Go Green roof is very light and flexible because of the flexibility of the plastic combined with the molecular structure, making the Go Green roof easy to handle in the process of mobilization and transportation. The Go Green roof is also equipped with ultra violet protection.

Disadvantages of Go Green:
1. Having only one form
Go Green roof only has a wavy shape. That is the only form that Go Green's roof has so you can't choose anything else.
2. There is no transparent form
Go Green roof has no transparent shape. So, this can cause the absence of natural lighting from sun exposure.
3. Cannot be Mounted and Stacked if the Size Is Different
If the size of the Go Green roof is different this will complicate the installation. Because sometimes the difference in size of only a few mm, can lead to tenacity if forced to install.

Spandek roof
Spandek roof or zincalume roof is a construction material made from zinc (zinc) and aluminum. The composition used is zinc 43%, Aluminum 55%, and an additional 1.5% silicone material. The addition of silicon is done to increase the level of elasticity of the roof. In the market itself, the thickness of the roof offered is quite varied. Starting from 0.3 mm, 0.35 mm, 0.4 mm, 0.45 mm, to 0.5 mm it can be said that the material is very thin because it is less than 1 cm, but even though it is thin but spandek is very strong and sturdy and durable. The width of the roof span is no less varied. The difference in thickness of the roof to some extent also affects the quality and durability. No wonder the thicker the size of the spandek is usually the higher the price of the Spandek roof. Spandek can be your choice of canopy roof of your home with an affordable budget that is also very suitable for warehouses, parking lots, and buildings that have large areas.

Advantages of Spandek Roofing:
1. Easy Installation
Spandek roof is much faster and more practical, so it can save time and effort in installation. Not only that, because in terms of painting Spandek roof is very easy to apply when you will use.
2. Color varies
An easily painted surface makes producers enterprising to present attractive color variants for Spandek roofs. Of course this is to attract market interest, various choices such as white, black, gray, yellow, orange, blue, red, green, purple, and brown. The number of color variants available gives freedom of choice according to taste and needs.
3. Has a Good Durability and Durable
Has a long durability because of this because the mixture of the right composition with the basic ingredients of aluminum and zinc which can make it durable and sturdy even if eaten by time.

Lack of Spandek:
1. Feels a little hot
Although able to withstand sunlight not penetrating inward, still the use of Spandek roof feels a bit hot, it can be overcome by installing aluminum foil on the underside of the roof. Why does it have to be aluminum foil? This is because aluminum is able to reduce the heat that arises from the roof of Spandek.
2. High Absorption
Its nature has a large absorption of sunlight. Not without reason, when viewed from the Spandek roofing material, the material is included as a good conductor of heat. That way, a house that uses a Spandek roof will feel a little hotter than the other roof. Therefore, Spandek roofs are widely used in cool areas.
3. Making Noise
Because this roof is made of zinc and is very thin, we can be sure you will hear noise when it rains. So this can disturb your hearing.


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