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Common problems of houses in the rainy season

At the time of transition, after the summer is almost over, it usually starts raining frequently. This certainly requires our attention, because there are some common problems at home when the rainy season starts.

1. Seepage on the wall. After summer, it is possible that the surface of the wall of the house has cracks due to the expansion that occurred. Patch and repair existing cracks with waterproof cement. Also cover with a waterproof layer. If it is not repaired quickly, these cracks can cause rain water seepage into the house.

2. Seeps on the floor. If the tile floor explodes (popping) immediately check and repair. If there are cracks at the bottom of the floor, water seepage from the outside of the house can result in water puddles. Can be fixed with waterproof instant cement.

3. Tampias or the entry of rain beyond the roof boundary. Check whether the lines at the end of the roof are still in good condition. If the rainfall is high and accompanied by a strong wind due to extreme weather changes, it may be necessary to consider installing blinds on the terrace or in front of the window. This is to avoid the appearance of tampias.

4. The roof is leaking as a result of breaking the roof or cracking the roof tiles. This needs to be fixed immediately because the leaking of water will result in moldy ceiling. Replace broken or broken tiles. Repair rubbing and coating with a waterproof layer.

5. Clean the gutters and drains to avoid tampias and leaking on the roof.

6. Lightning strikes. For homes with a certain height, it helps you complete with a lightning rod. When struck by lightning, a good lightning rod will deliver electricity to the ground, so that electrical installations and electrical and electronic equipment in your home will remain in good condition.

Hopefully the tips this time can be useful while welcoming the arrival of the rainy season.


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