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Renovating the roof of the house before the rainy
When the rainy season arrives, the majority of people are restless for fear that the house will leak because the roof is not sturdy anymore. No wonder before the rainy season, many people renovate the roof of the house so that family comfort is not disturbed when the rainy season comes. The reason is if the roof is leaking, a lot of losses are obtained such as having to be diligent in cleaning the floor affected by rain water, children's learning activities are disrupted and make the air inside the house colder.

The house is indeed important as a place to live so that the family is protected from various dangers. For this reason, a roof renovation is needed so that the house building remains sturdy. Moreover, renovation of the roof does not take a long time, then renovation of the roof is needed periodically so that the damage is not wider and requires a lot of costs. Given the different types of roofs, the renovation is different so that it is adjusted to the type of roof.

Tips for renovating the roof of the house

Sometimes people assume the roof is leaking a little. They just fix the precarious position in a simple way without renovating the roof as a whole. Though using the services of someone who is an expert at renovating a roof is very important so that the leakage is resolved so that it does not interfere with family activities when it leaks. Moreover, roof renovations also have smart tips so that leakage does not recur, for this reason below are 5 tips that can be used as a reference when renovating a roof, including:

1. Paying attention to the roof slope

Generally, the shape of the roof is tilted so that when it rains the flow of rain runs smoothly down the roof. So before renovating the roof, must pay attention to the slope of the roof so that renovation is right and there are no mistakes. Unfortunately, many people still complain that the roof is leaking even though the roof design is tilted, for that problem you should use the services of a home contractor so that the problem does not recur.

2. Clean the gutter

Even though it is above, often the gutters are dirty due to the trashes of tree leaves that are planted around the house so that rainwater cannot walk through the gutters. So, try to clean the gutters regularly because if the gutters are never cleaned it triggers a house leak.

3. Using Waterproofing

Waterproofing wallcovering is the right choice to deal with leaking roofs, let alone the content of the wall paint is waterproof so it does not seep into the wall. Surely the walls and susana house will not be humid despite the cold winter and the atmosphere outside the cold house. Unfortunately many people do not understand how to apply Waterproofing as a solution for a leaky roof, so it is better to work with building contractors so that the problem of a leaky roof is resolved perfectly.

4. Replace damaged roof tiles

The roof tile is often cracked or broken when you step on the roof to fix the tile position. For this reason, replacing damaged tiles with new tiles must be done so as not to cause leakage and the tiles are able to last a long time. The most important thing is to be careful and careful when replacing damaged tiles so that the damage is not more extensive.

5. Using Roofing Materials

Construction services are the right choice to handle roof renovation appropriately. Because the service offers quality workers so that they are able to handle a variety of home problems to completion. It is the same as handling leaking roofs by using roofing materials such as using ceilings and other materials so that the floor is safe from leaks and families are not disturbed by their activities.

Actually, tips on renovating the roof is still diverse and adapted to the design of the house. Because now home designs are diverse and unique so that different renovations are needed, but the five tips above can be used as a reference when renovating a roof.


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