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Signs You Need to Change the Roof Tile
Roof tile is the most important part of the house. So that the residents can comfortably shelter with family members. If the roof is leaking or eaten by termites, it can make conditions inside the house uncomfortable. The most common problem with tiles is that water seeps into worn parts and causes damage to the structure below. That's when the leak into the house and fungus began to occur. Aesthetically it is also not beautiful anymore.

There are signs when the right time to replace the roof. If you see signs of wear, it can mean the cost of repairs becomes more expensive.

1. When it looks weathered and obsolete

Replace the roof if the wood is in bad and weathered condition. The easiest way to see it is when a wooden part or sides are curved or have a cup-like appearance. Then the tile broke. Or there are previous patches that must be replaced.

2. Moss appears

Another sign to replace a roof is that you see moss in between the tiles. Moss grows naturally between tiles, especially on roofs in shady areas or in humid climates. And mosses can signal hidden damage.

Moss absorbs water like a sponge and holds it. Moss prevents water from descending, it can also cause water to seep into the layers under the roof, causing damage and mold growth. So if you see moss, immediately call a handyman to clean the moss and look for signs of permanent damage.

3. Consider the Roof Age

Another key factor in determining whether it is necessary to replace the roof is the age of the roof itself. A matter of age is something to remember. Roofs that are at least an average of 20 years must be replaced. Slate, copper and clay or concrete roofs can last more than 50 years and wooden roofs can last around 30 years.

So, it depends on what material you have and when it was last replaced. And when replacing, you should consider getting materials that will last longer such as metal roofs.


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