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Stop Leaking Tiles
Leaking roof tile is one of the main enemies of humans when entering the rainy season. Besides being able to interfere with the comfort of the family at home, leaking roof tiles can also damage the furniture in our home. Even if not treated immediately, the leakage point will be more widespread and can damage the building of the house. So, what is the most effective way to overcome the problem of leaking tiles? To answer that question, it helps us know in advance what is the cause of the leaky tile.

A leaky tile can be caused by several things such as the following:

- The position of the tile that does not fit / mess

- There are broken pieces of tile

- There is a broken or cracked under the rooftop

- Curved roof construction / cannot hold the roof load

- Chamfered zinc gutters / perforated

- Gutter is not cracked concrete

After knowing what causes the leaking tile, then we can apply the following ways to deal with leaky tile:

- Tile the location of the tile to the position of precision and straight

- Immediately replace the broken tile with the same tile

- Patch the cracked part on the bottom mixture and coat the paint so it does not leak

- For weathered roof construction it is better to replace it with lightweight steel roof construction

- We replace the zinc chamfer with a type of galvanized which is more resistant to rust

- We are not patched and we are water proofing

The saying "Prepared Umbrellas Before Rain" is the right picture for us to always get ready to prevent leakage on our roofs when the rainy season comes. Here are tips to prevent leaky tile.

1. Check the roof of the house, whether there are parts that are loose or perforated asbestos, or there are tiles that must be replaced.

2. Note the possibility of small cracks on the roof made of concrete, asbestos, or shingles. If there is a layer covered with wire mesh and waterproof glue. As for large cracks, they must be opened and re-plastered. We recommend that you do routine checks every two or three months to prevent leakage due to fine cracking. Usually a new leak is seen after three or four times exposed to heavy rain, for that you should not leave it alone, because it can make the roof of the house weathered.

3. The ceiling of the house which is damp due to water seepage also needs to be replaced, the corners between the wall and the roof must also be inspected, this is because in both parts often leakage occurs. Repair as early as possible for the safety of residents, also to further minimize the cost of repairs.

4. You can use one to two millimeter aluminum foil as a coating between the ceiling and tile. Its function is to protect the ceiling from water droplets due to imperfect tile installation and reduce heat absorption.

5. Pay attention to the slope of the tile, this is sometimes ignored when building a house. This angle serves to form resistance to rain. For example, ceramic tiles require a slope of more than 30 degrees, while asbestos is 15 degrees. Also use the roof tongue with the length and width that has been adjusted to protect the porch and walls of the house from rain wind tampias.

6. If your house uses asbestos roof, it is very important to pay attention to the installation of bolts or nails properly. Due to improper nailing of asbestos can cause new water seepage points. Asbestos cannot be nailed carelessly. Use special asbestos nails and must be drilled first, then nails that have been coated with rubber and nailed to the area that has been drilled.

7. For the tropics, suitable roofs are ceramic tiles. Because it is tough so it is able to deal with changes in weather and temperature that is crossed and is more durable.


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