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Easy Ways to Overcome Roof Tiles
Surely for every residence you have experienced this problem, be it a minimalist house, simple house, or even a luxury home. When this leakage occurs, then rain water will be more free to enter the residence and this also will certainly be very disturbing activities for the residents of the house.

However, what happens a lot is sometimes the owner of the house also underestimates the problem of leakage that is happening and will fix it when the leak is getting worse. Leaks that usually occur can be caused by a number of things, whether it's because the tile has been damaged, the tile has been shifted, or because of other things. For the convenience of the occupants of the house, then immediately repair the leaky roof tile. So, how to deal with leaking roof tiles easily? This is a complete review to overcome the problem of leaking tiles that you can sample.

How to deal with a leaky roof tile:

Leak proof coating

The occurrence of leaks on the roof of the tile is usually caused because the tile has naturally cracked, cracked a little, or even just a small hole. To be able to overcome this problem is to provide a leak-proof paint coating. The way to use it is very easy, which is like how to paint the walls of your home. If you have been given a leak-proof paint, then wait for the results when it rains, is it still leaking or not. If it's still leaking, then you can try it in another way.

Repair or replace new tiles

Especially for the problem of leaking roof tiles due to the position of the roof tiles in your house that is not appropriate, shifted, or broken, the best solution is to replace the tile with a new one and do a proper and appropriate rearrangement. For broken tiles, you can replace with a good quality type of material, so that later the same problem does not occur.

Waterproof carpet

If the leak has occurred because it is not known what the cause is, then you can add a special carpet that is used to layer the roof of the house. Just give the special carpet to the area of ??leak that is happening.

Repair gutters and drain pipes

One of the main causes of your roof tile leaking can occur due to clogged water that is clogged, broken, damaged, the slope is not right, or by anything else, so that when the rain comes, the chamfer can not hold heavy rain water. Check the gutter, if it is deemed damaged then immediately replace it with a new one.

Remodel the roof of the house

Improper construction of the house can also result in leakage, for example just the slope of the roof that is not right or even due to the disproportionate shape of the roof. To overcome this you inevitably have to renovate the roof of the house so that no leakage occurs again and can replace it with asbestos.

Thus was the first glimpse of information about how to deal with a leaky roof tile that is easy. Hopefully the information can be useful and also inspire you all.


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