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Roof problems that often arise in general
There are a number of common roof repair problems that can be fixed easily and that can be seen during installation.

1. We recommend that you double-check the installation of the skylight to make sure nothing is leaking. After installation check that it is raining for the first time that no water is seeping.

2. Double-check the flashing and the area around the flashing to make sure there are no leaks there. Ventilation pipes for example can leak if the flashing is not installed correctly.

3. Wind can cause TV antennas, trees and other pieces to disturb the roof and damage the tile. If there is a tree covering your roof, it might be worth cutting back.

4. For more safety you can add insulation because it can help reduce the heat of the sun and make the residence cool.

In the rainy season your roof will be thoroughly tested so there is no better time to check it. It is windy, wet and leaking, so this is a good time to check if there is rain falling, if there is a damp odor, or if there is excessive wind.

Of course, if there are spots on the wall or look wet, mold can develop quickly. The same thing applies if the wind is too strong, maybe your tile will come off. For that use Rainbow metal tile which has proven its quality, weather resistance, earthquake and strong winds because it is screwed into a single unit so that it is not young regardless of the frame. More information about the roof contact us at whatapp 081380808089 or visit our website at www.rainbow-roof.co.id


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