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Types of Roof Tiles for Lightweight Steel

Making a home, of course, takes into account many things, apart from the safety of the size, buildings, developers, architecture, and the level of comfort and location. Of course, the factors in building materials used as building materials also influence comfort and safety. For those of you who choose lightweight steel vs. wood roof truss, which one is better? Of course there are considerations of lightweight steel roofs. Besides having strong materials, steel itself has many advantages. Because at least there are many advantages of lightweight steel roofing. You can choose various types of tile for your lightweight steel roof, which is now starting to emerge as many variations as follows.

Metal Tile

The first type of tile is metal tile. Actually, you need to know the types of metal tile that can be used as a reference. Tile of this material is suitable to be installed on horses with lightweight steel frame, because of its light weight. This tile can make the burden carried by the roof frame becomes lighter. Metal roof tiles will reduce the risk if you don't use concrete, because there are also some advantages and disadvantages of concrete roofs. Compared with galvanized steel which is mild steel with zincalume metal coating, metal tile supporting technology tends to be newer.

This tile has several advantages such as not easily corroded, because it has been coated with anti-rust material; saving material because each sheet has a wide size; This tile has also been made with the latest technology so it is not flammable and does not cause heat, and there is a layer of anti-moss paint. However, if you use this tile, you must install it neatly, so as not to reduce the beauty of small and spacious residential building.

Ceramic Tile

The second type is ceramic tile. This tile has a lot of color variants because at the time of manufacture at the end of the process was given a coloring at the top layer. The main material for making this tile is ceramic that fits in your home with a tropical, modern, mediterranean atmosphere or a house with a classic style. Because it is more durable in terms of durability, tile made from ceramic materials tends to be economical. In addition, when replacing or installing a new one, you don't need to worry about the tile being damaged because its strength is guaranteed.

In addition, the color of this tile is quite durable because it is processed when ceramic is burned. However, when you install it, this requires patience regarding whether or not the distance between one tile with another tile. Because if the distance is tenuous, your house might leak. To be stronger and more beautiful, learn how to paint gypsum ceiling as a supporter of ceramic tiles.

Concrete Roof Tiles

The third type of tile for lightweight steel roofs is concrete tile. Concrete tile is a tech tile with an ancient method. Tile made of concrete is quite heavy, so to accommodate the weight requires a strong frame. To be strong, don't forget to provide one of the leak-proof coatings for concrete not in the finishing section.

You can use this tile on a lightweight steel roof, because this type can withstand the load. So that your residential home can still look beautiful as you wish. The wind will not easily shake the tile which is specially designed with high strength and durability. However, this tile has a rough texture and is easily overgrown with moss on its surface. If cracked, then do how to overcome the cracked concrete so that it does not become a prolonged problem.

Asphalt Tile

The fourth type of tile for lightweight steel roofs is asphalt tile. This tile is rarely heard, but this tile has two types, they are flat which is tripled on the plywood and wave-shaped made on the roof truss. You can use it for your home with a lightweight steel roof, because it has many color variations.

This asphalt tile is made of paper powder, organic fiber, resin and asphalt. This material makes installation easier. The advantage is that this tile is not slippery because there is a resin layer that also serves to prevent leakage, as well as easy and practical workmanship. This tile is also coated with anti-mildew and is fire-resistant and cold-resistant. But, of course, the quality of this one tile also appears at a relatively expensive price.

Polycarbonate tile
The fifth type of tile for lightweight steel roofs is polycarbonate tile. This tile is one type of flat roof coverings with various color choices. There are two types of tiles, hollow polycarbonate and corrugated polycarbonate without cavities. Roofs with tiles are usually used for roof canopy garages or additional roofs.
The way to find out the strength or quality of polycarbonate tile when buying is to press down on the hollow section of the section firmly. Poor quality tile will experience changes when pressed hard. Conversely, if the tile is of good quality, it will not change its shape or texture. This type of tile can reduce solar radiation and is easily available in any building shop. In addition, the installation process is also fast and easy. This type of tile is also waterproof, but the hollow type is vulnerable to mold and difficult to clean.

Roof Shingles
The sixth type is shingle tile. This tile is one of the types of roofs that are not hot. Another name for shingles is bulian wood, while some people call it iron wood. The term shingle, ironwood, or bulian itself originates from Kalimantan, especially in the rainforest area. Because it grows in areas with high humidity, extreme temperature changes and the influence of sea water, the strength of wood really cannot be underestimated. This is what makes many people use it to make houses, train pads, even bridges.
The shape of the roof made from shingles is usually in the form of longitudinal thin sheets produced from the ironwood cleavage. After the massive exploitation of ironwood, the government tightened the trade and utilization of ironwood to preserve the environment. This type of roof is insulating against heat and is a lightweight material. However, during the installation process it was quite difficult so that the costs to be used increased.

Well, that's the types of tile for lightweight steel roofs that you can choose when you are going to build a private home or if you want to make a boarding house. You can choose according to the quality and type of house and consider the advantages described above and the weaknesses of lightweight steel roofing as a reference.


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