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Flat Roofs, What Are The Types?

There are various forms of rooftops that are commonly used for houses in Indonesia. Among the various forms of roofs that exist, the most widely used are shield roofs, gable roofs and flat shaped roofs. Which of the several forms of roofing, flat-shaped roof of the house including the shape of the roof which lately is quite popular and widely applied to modern style houses. Flat-shaped roofs are also widely known as concrete roofs, because the material uses concrete.

One of the advantages of a flat roof so much preferred is because of an empty area on a flat roof, can be used as a place to relax or plant. So do not be surprised if the flat roof of a house is increasingly in demand. Even so, it turns out that this flat shaped roof of the house has several different types, you know. What are the types of flat roofs?

Built-up type flat roof

This type of built-up flat roof is composed of three or more layers of material. Which is generally one of these layers using waterproof materials coated with river stone, gravel or fiberglass. Compared to other types of flat roofs, the type of built-up roof is included in the most traditional categories.

Single-ply roof

When compared with the built-up flat roof type, the single-ply roof includes flat roof types that are much thinner and lighter such as rubber roofing and PVC (poly vinyl chloride). Usually this type of flat roof is widely used in residential buildings and commercial buildings. The layer consists of material that must be resistant to hot or rainy weather. Where usually the layer is installed using glue.

Spray-on type roof

Another type of flat roof is spray-on, which is the most preferred type of flat roof and is widely used for modern buildings. Although this type of roof tends to have problems with standing water, spray-on roofs can last more than 20 years if the installation and maintenance are carried out correctly.

Are you interested in making a house with a flat roof or not?


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