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Energy Efficient Roof Insulation Material For Home

To be able to cool the temperature in the room properly requires a good quality roof insulation material to prevent overheating. The good quality of insulation material will certainly make the temperature in your home comfortable for a long time. Plus you do not need to pay more in the near future because of the rapid damage to insulation materials.

Having a comfortable residence must be everyone's dream. This comfort can be interpreted one of them with the occupancy that has a cool room temperature even though the temperature outside is very hot. Global warming is very influential with hot housing conditions, but with the insulation of this heat shock can reduce the adverse effects.

5 commonly used roof insulation materials

With the rapid development of technology, there are so many emerging insulation materials on the market that you can choose from. The more precise you are in determining the material for insulation of the roof of the house will certainly make the house more comfortable to live in. The following is a brief review of insulation materials that you can use for roofs.


Glass wool is usually produced from fiberglass that has been through a certain processing. This material is often used also in factories or music studios because of its ability to reduce sound. So if the roof of your house using glasswool will be more soundproof and will certainly make it feel comfortable.

Glasswool material is not very waterproof and can also be a den of insects and rodents if there is an open layer. Therefore, the installation must be good and also you must do the checking. Also try not to come in direct contact with this material because it can interfere with your health if exposed for a long time.


Polyester is the result of processed synthetic fibers. This material has a long service life and is also good for roof insulation. The lightweight material will make it easier for you to install. Its environmentally friendly nature will also make your life better. However, polyester has flammable properties, so care must be taken in its use.

Aluminum Foil

This one insulation material is most effective in breaking down heat. You only need a few sheets that cover the entire roof to produce a cool room temperature. This material is also able to reflect ultraviolet light well and can also be used as a silencer. The disadvantage lies in the expensive price so you have to adjust to the conditions of the bag if you want it.

Bubble Foil

This material is a combination of heat transfer by radiation, convection and conduction. Bubble foil is often used by NASA in space projects to protect aircraft crews from extreme temperatures in space. Non-flammable materials and also very strong will certainly make the guarantee durable and maintained temperature in it.

Polyurethane Foam

Polyurethane material is the result of mixing polyol and isocyanate which then forms foam (foam). This material has good adhesion on all types of roof surfaces and can also enter into corners that are difficult to reach on the roof so that it is very effectively used as insulation material for your roof.

Thus a review of roof insulation materials that can save energy so that it can reduce your expenses. Hopefully useful.


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