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Soundproofing Layer on Metal Roof
One of the things that most people fear when asked to use metal roof coverings is the noisy sound that will be produced when it rains. Because in any case, the sound will sometimes be very disturbing, especially if the rain is getting heavier, then the noisy sound it produces will also be louder.
There are many products for metal roof coverings on the market today. For example, the most widely used are corrugated zinc, spandex, and metal tiles. The weakness of all these products remains the same, namely that they will make a noisy sound when it rains.
When using a roof covering made of spandex, to reduce the sound of the rain, an additional soundproofing layer is given. This is so that the sound of rainwater hitting the spandex roof is not too loud. But it turns out that this layer can indeed reduce the sound of rainwater hitting the spandex very well. Even when it rains, the sound of rainwater hitting the roof becomes very quiet.
Now by providing this soundproofing layer, you actually don't need to be afraid to use a metal roof, because you are afraid of being disturbed by rainwater hitting the roof. Because the sound of rainwater is guaranteed to be very quiet.
The shape of this soundproofing layer is bright silver, sheet-shaped, and formed from small hexagons. This soundproofing layer consists of two layers, and there is a cavity in the soundproofing layer, maybe this is one of the reasons why this layer can dampen sound very well. That is, apart from the materials used which can indeed dampen sound very well, this layer is formed so that it leaves an empty cavity inside so that it can further inhibit sound.
This dampening layer can also be used in band studios and karaoke places, usually this layer will be installed first on the inside of the carpet, both for the walls and also on the floor. So after the floor and walls, this dampening layer will be installed first, then the carpet is installed on top of it. In this way, it turns out that the loud sound in the room will not come out, and can be dampened very well. Hopefully useful!


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