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Roof Frame Types

The roof of the house becomes a very important part of the house besides the foundation. If the foundation strengthens the bottom of the house so that it can weigh heavily on it, the roof serves to protect the occupants of the house from heat and rain. In making a house roof, the part that needs more attention is the part of the frame. If the frame is nicely constructed, the installation of a roof cover will be easy. The heavier the roof material used, the bigger or thicker the roof frame needed.

Formerly the roof of the house was only built using wood but now the roof of the house is very much. Let's identify the type of roof based on the material used as follows:

Reinforced Concrete Roof
Reinforced concrete roofs have various forms ranging from flat, sloping and even domes. In working on the roof this requires steel bone prints which will later be filled with cement, sand and split rocks. The framework of this reinforced concrete roof is known to be complicated and heavy but for its durability you don't need to doubt it.

Lightweight steel roof
If the concrete roof is considered heavier then you can use a lightweight steel roof as an option. This roof frame is light but very strong for all types of tiles. Besides being free of termites and the installation process is also very fast. This steel roof is made using zinc, aluminum and of course steel that is printed in a certain form. The frame is thin but not neatly arranged so it is not attractive to look at.

Roof of Wood Frame
As the name suggests, this roof uses wood as a roof frame. The weakness of the roof truss is of course easily eaten by termites. Wooden frames are not resistant to mold or fire, but wood frames are easily formed rather than other types of roof truss. This wooden roof frame can be tilted even in a triangle.

Tips for Choosing the Right Roof Frame House
To choose the best quality house roof you need the following steps!

- Make Sure You Have the Funds First
Of course before determining the roof frame of the house, first make sure the funds you need. Don't just provide basic funds because you need to provide emergency funds. This emergency fund is needed if things happen that are not desirable then you are not confused looking for funding sources.

- Determine the Material
Then specify the material you want to use. You can choose one of the three types of roof frames above. Each framework certainly has its own weaknesses and advantages. Do not forget to coat the anti-rust coating for mild steel material. For the anti-rust coating there are several types such as Galvanized, MAZ, Zinc and Zincalume.

- Note the size of the frame
The roof frame must have the right size or dimensions. If the load borne is very heavy, of course the size of the roof frame must be adjusted. The weight of the roof frame will be directly proportional to the load that must be borne by the frame.

- Choose a Trusted Building Store
Not only that, you also have to be selective in buying building materials. Choose a reputable one. Not only the building shop that you need to pay attention to but also the supervisor for the craftsmen who help build your roof frame. There must be a supervisor who is ready to supervise the work of the builders and ask for expert recommendations if you are confused looking for a solution for choosing a roof frame that fits the design of your house.

So what do you think? Are you ready to build a house from now on?


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