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Is Light Steel Really More Efficient?

It is estimated that the need for property or housing will always increase from year to year. So that it can be ascertained also if the price for a property or housing will also increase. Whether it is building a home or by applying for a home loan. With the development of technology and in view of the high rate of demand for housing, techniques have been developed and also some materials that can better support the smoothness and speed of building a house. One of them is a lightweight steel frame roof.

The lightweight steel frame roof is actually not the latest building construction technology. Because the roof technology of lightweight steel frames actually appeared several years ago. And developers and / or communities in big cities are generally familiar and use this lightweight steel frame roof technology. However, the use of a lightweight steel frame roof has not really been populist, even today. People who live in rural areas and / or small towns and suburbs, until now, generally still use conventional technology when building their homes. Namely using wood for the roof of his house. Even some people in rural areas still use bamboo.

The general public seems to still have many doubts about using this lightweight steel frame roof technology. The biggest question that arises is whether using a lightweight steel frame roof will be more economical, when compared to using conventional materials (wood or bamboo). Because it is known that the price per unit for a lightweight steel frame roof is indeed more expensive when compared to conventional building material. This is indeed the most important and fundamental question. Because in the midst of the high (increasingly expensive) prices of building materials, people do have to be very clever in saving in building materials when building their houses.

For example, some people who are quite critical, when the price of wood surged so high some time ago, they "outsmarted" using a combination of cast concrete and a little wood when installing the roof construction. Some even make frames that are cheap but super durable with cast concrete. And this indeed proved enough to provide savings in the cost of building a house, and with quality that was not less good.

To answer the economical or not the use of a lightweight steel frame roof, you should know what the benefits of using this technology should be. As far as is known to date, the advantages of using a lightweight steel frame roof include:

? Mild steel roof is lighter than conventional roof
Of course, this is according to its name. Lightweight steel frame roof. And this means that the burden that must be borne by the building and foundation will be less when compared to using a roof and horses from wood or cast concrete. This means that there is no need for excessive foundation and or building construction here.

? Mild steel roof is stronger
Using steel material, the roof is stronger when compared to wood or bamboo material. Whether it's in compressive strength, tensile strength or shear strength. And the most prominent is the use of a lightweight steel frame roof will be more resistant to earthquakes or ground movements. This is because lightweight steel roofs are more flexible when compared to solid materials (wood) so that mild steel will tend to follow shift movements. So that the use of a lightweight steel frame roof is more suitable if applied to places where the soil is labile or for earthquake resistant buildings.

? Mild steel roof is more resistant to weathering
Unlike materials from materials or wood which are susceptible to weathering or termites, lightweight steel roofs are protected from this. The use of steel material, of course, makes the teeth of termites do not work to bite them. Steel material, in general is also known to be more rust resistant when compared to iron material. And in general, a lightweight steel frame roof is also given a protective layer or coating with certain materials to withstand weathering or corrosion.

? The use of a lightweight steel frame roof will make the house building process faster
By using a system and methods that tend to "knock down" the use of a lightweight steel frame roof is of course faster. That means also, the costs needed for processing time and costs incurred to pay for labor, automatically become reduced. Now by comparing between the high price of lightweight steel frames with some of the advantages possessed, you can calculate and convert them into nominal money. And of course this also depends on the location and purpose of long-term use.

So, if asked whether using a lightweight steel frame roof is more efficient?

We think, now you can answer it yourself.


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