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Shelter with a Roof of Sturdy and Safe Houses
In plain view, the characteristics of a house are often seen from the top, namely on the roof. The existence of the roof as a cover for the house is a special value in the building. In addition to beautifying the shape of the building, the presence of a roof also has an important function as a protector of the house from exposure to wind, heat, or rain.

Today, there are a variety of roofs offered by property companies. Starting from the gable model, shield, to a combination of both, makes you more confused which one to choose. Even though the roof has a variety of variations, you still have to be careful in choosing it. If you choose the wrong roof, then the condition of your house will not be safe and comfortable anymore. Especially when the rainy season comes, if the roof does not function properly there will be a leak.

In general, leakage is caused by four things. First, your lack of attention to roof slope construction design. Supposedly, the roof of the house has a slope angle of at least 30 degrees so that water can flow smoothly. Do not let the slope exceed the minimum roof slope standard. Be careful, if the slope is more than 30 degrees, then the tile will easily deteriorate.

Second, the error and carelessness of the installation. Installation of tile that is not neat makes the roof has a cavity that invites the arrival of water in the rainy season. Installing wuwungan or nok tiles with cement which is as economical as it will also trigger water seepage down. Third, the selection of materials used. The use of sheet roofs such as asbestos, fiber cement, Ardex, anticorrosive zinc, or bitumen (asphalt) is better than materials such as clay tiles, concrete tiles, ceramics, or wood shingles. This is because, the cavity between the fields of asbestos material provides slope tolerance of less than 30 degrees, so that the water will still flow smoothly. Fourth, factors in natural conditions. Changes in cold clan heat continuously will make the house cover material wear out or change. Small cracks on the roof of the house can cause water to enter. The more clanking, the more water seeps into the clan, the bigger the crack. Therefore, use a roof that has strong cloning. Therefore, so that your house does not have a leak. You should have prepared the roof of your house with a strong foundation and a model that is not only attractive, but also quality.

Roof material

Checking the various types of roofing materials, the resistance of the roof to weather changes is a major concern. For this reason, the choice of the type and material of the balcony cannot be arbitrary. Besides that it is worth considering is the construction. Strong construction will add confidence to residents of their safety factors. We know several types of roofs, both modern and conventional. In its definition, the roof of a house is part of a building that functions as a cover / protector of buildings from the heat of the sun and rain so as to provide comfort for building users. The roof of a house is an important part of the construction of a house because it is above to cover all parts of the building.

The construction or roof structure generally consists of three main parts, namely: the structure of the roof cover, gording and frame of the horses. The roof cover will be supported by a roof truss structure, which consists of horses, gording, usuk and batten. Roof loads will be forwarded to the foundation through columns and or beams. The roof structure is generally made by following or adjusting to the overall plan or shape of the building (roof design). If the house consists of two floors, the roof structure is made following the second floor plan / layout.

There are several forms of roof design that can be used as a reference when you are going to build a house, including; the shape of the gable, this roof is a form of roof of the house which is considered the safest because of its easy maintenance in terms of detecting in the event of a leak. The gable consists of two inclined planes whose upper ends meet in a straight line that we usually call ridges. Slope angle between 30 to 45 degrees. The shape of the roof shield (limasan), the shape of the roof is an improvement from the shape of the gable, which consists of two sloping roof shaped trapezium. The two areas of the roof are triangular with a slope that is usually the same. Or the form of a combination saddle and shield roof, the shape of this roof is a combination or combination of saddle roof types and shields (limasan). Some also call this type of roof a broken tent roof or joglo roof.

Another form is the shape of a flat roof. This model in flat horizontal plane is usually used for roof terrace. Or even used to make a garden above the house. This roof is the most difficult form of treatment, especially in the problem of detecting leaks. What needs to be considered in planning this roof is to pay attention


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