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This Is the Way to Install the Right Metal Gutter

Talang is a part of a building drainage system that functions as a reservoir of rainwater that falls from the roof to drain into sewers, reservoirs, or infiltration wells. Without gutters, rainwater can fall into an undesirable place, so that it has the potential to seep and damage the walls of buildings, foundations, and so on. Installation of gutters must be done appropriately in order to function properly. Likewise with metal gutters or metal gutters. Then how do you install metal gutters correctly? Here's how:

Get to know Metal Gutter

There are many types of materials for gutters, such as casted concrete, plastic (PVC), fiberglass, and metal (metal). Metal gutters are also many types, including zinc, galvalum, mild steel, copper, or a combination thereof. Rainbow will discuss metal gutters produced with knock down systems that are ready to be applied to buildings. Ready-to-install metal gutters are semi-circular or square, and are made of galvanized mild steel which is strong and durable and anti-rust. Usually also equipped with powdercoating coating paint.

Preparation Before Installation

For knock down metal gutters, do the following preparations.

First, calculate the need for flat gutters (overflow containers). Calculations can be done from work drawings (roof plans) or by directly measuring the length of the side of the roof to be fitted with gutters (around the roof). Give tolerance 1-3 meters. Also calculate the following accessories or various complementary needs.

- Gutter angle, which is the part of the gutter that is installed on the corners of the roof. Calculate the number of angles around the roof covering the outer and inner angles.

- Overflow barrier, to hold the flow that is too heavy so as not to overflow the gutters (usually on the roof corner).

- Hangers (gutters) that are ideally installed at a distance of 1 meter. So, the count is equal to the total length of gutters + 1.

- Spacer, functions to straighten the position of the hanger if the lisplank is not perpendicular. Provide a number of hanging spacers.

- Connecting gutters, functions to unite gutters while anticipating leaks that may occur at the gutter meeting point. Needs adjusted number of connections.

- Cover of gutters, which serves as a cover for each end of the gutter. Calculate the tip of the gutter to find out the amount needed.

- Funnel and upright pipe. The funnel functions to channel water from the gutter to the upright pipe, which will drain it to the exhaust. Ideally the distance between thrusts (also upright pipes) is ± 6-10 meters. The length of the pipe per rod is 3 meters. The length per one upright pipe is calculated according to the height of the wall and the distance of the funnel to the wall. The total length is the length of the pipe upright multiplied by the number of vertical pipes to be installed. While the need for funnel is the number of vertical pipes multiplied by 2.

- Curved pipes, for connecting funnels and upright pipes. The amount is adjusted by the number of funnels or vertical pipes multiplied by 2.

- Pipe holder, used to hold the pipe to the wall so it doesn't shift or shake. Ideally, a pipe holder is installed per 2 meter long pipe. Or, adapted to conditions.

- Pipe boots, mounted on the lower end of the pipe to direct the flow of water to the exhaust. The amount matches the number of vertical pipes. This element can be replaced with a curved pipe.

- Screws and sealants (special adhesives). The amount is adjusted according to needs.

Second, prepare various equipment for measurement and installation. Some of the main tools are meter, pencil, thread, water pass or water hose, zinc scissors, hacksaw, electric drill equipped with a screwdriver, stairs, and K3 equipment.

Third, determine the position and slope of the gutter, then mark it with a pencil or thread. The slope of the gutter affects the smooth flow of water from the gutter to the upright pipe below. Ideal slope of 1% (high difference ± 1 cm every distance of 1 meter) to 3%. Use a water pass or water hose to determine the slope. Next mark the points where the gutter hangers must be installed.

How to Install Metal Gutter

Broadly speaking, the installation of metal gutters includes the following stages.

• Install the gutter hangers. For buildings without lisplanks, install a hanging gutter along the wall below the edge of the roof. For buildings with lisplanks, gutters are installed on the lisplank with the help of a spacer. First attach the gutter hangers to the spacers with screws. Next, screw the top of the spacer on the lisplank (if necessary, bend the spacer according to the slope of the lisplank).

• Install all gutter hangers at predetermined points by following the slope made. Look again at the preparatory steps.

• Install gutter connectors, the way to connect to the upper part of the gutter with the meeting point as axles. Use sealants to close the gap.

• Apply the funnel at predetermined points. Previously, cut the gutter to be fitted with a funnel. Use sealants to close the gap.

• Cut vertical pipes according to wall height; and connecting pipes according to the distance of the wall to the funnel. Then, attach the pipe and connect it to the funnel with the help of a curved pipe. Use sealants to close the gap.
• Install all accessories, such as pipe holders, pipe boots, gutters, and so on. Check each gap again and close it with the sealant.

That's all, and hope this review is useful.


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