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How to Move On from Vacation
Back home after a long vacation can be a drama for some people. This makes some people less eager to work. Yes, sort of still hasn't moved on with the scent of a long holiday and the atmosphere in the hometown. But the vacation is over, and you have to go back to the real world, you have to go back to work! Well, instead of working unproductively after a long holiday, there are ways to be more productive working on your first day back home. Hopefully some of the tips below can help.

Start the Breakfast with Tasty Food
To accept the fact that you have started working again surely requires something that can make you happy. Well, you can do an encouraging ritual on the morning before work, that is, breakfast with the good ones. Usually most people often forget about breakfast, but you should start your morning with breakfast to become a mood booster. But keep the breakfast not with excessive portions, so that you are not easily sleepy and can remain more productive when working.

Listen to Beat Music so that the Spirit Turns Again
By listening to beat music, you will spontaneously join in singing and dancing. So, even though in reality you are lazy to go to work because you have not moved on from a long vacation, by listening to beat music, you can at least be more enthusiastic, believe me, this way your day will be more productive. Complete your playlist first with cool western songs, huh!

Let me be more relaxed, when I go to a coffee office or tea first
No need to hurry to check the work list or check your e-mail, so you can be more productive all day and it's a good idea to brew coffee first or tea first. A cup of coffee or tea can be an energy boost for more productive work after a long vacation. According to research, coffee can make you work faster. There are studies that show that 200 mg of caffeine can help identify words and phrases faster than done without coffee.

Enjoy the Work and Gathering Atmosphere While Sharing Stories with Office Friends
On the first day of work, your body's rhythm is still the rhythm that you use when relaxing at home. As a result, the ability to concentrate also decreases. Siasati this by gathering while sharing stories with friends. Sharing holiday experiences, exchanging holiday souvenirs can be one way to improve mood.

Trim the Work Desk
The first step before starting work is tidying up a work desk or workspace. Feeling lazy will increasingly become if it is supported by the presence of a pile of papers and dozens of e-mails that are open. Instead of spending time to 'curse' the pile of work better give time to tidy up and rearrange documents and e-mail.

Reduce Multitasking and Start Focusing Complete Work Gradually
After a long vacation and returning to work, the work must have been piling up and waiting to be completed. But calm down, no need to panic first, just do the work gradually. Don't finish 2 or 3 jobs at a time. Focus on completing one job well, so you don't make too many mistakes. Do not try multitasking, because it will make you out of focus, the end of your work will be messy and far from the word effective and productive.

To Get More Work More Spirit, Plan Your Vacation Next!
Back to work after a long holiday, it becomes a difficult thing to exceed facing Monday. Well, to avoid feeling tired and a bad mood, try turning your mind on vacation with some fun work in the office. Give suggestions if you go back to work, you can save again and be able to plan your next vacation. Making a plan like this will motivate you, because you have something to look forward to next vacation.

Well, that's a number of ways to be more productive at work after a long holiday. So, the holiday is over is not an excuse for lazing. With the tips above, your workday in the office can be more productive and fun. Keep your spirits up. I hope this helps!


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