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Causes of Frequent Leaks

Does your house often leak? If yes, try the cause first. Leaking roofs are usually carried out by heavy rainfall collection. If you know the cause, you can take the right precautions. These are some of the thicker types of roof you need to know.

First, installation errors. This is usually done by using items that are less than perfect for installing a roof. Some vulnerable locations "enter" the air, namely ridge, edge connections, and gutters. As an illustration, if the ridge is too high, there is a risk of cracking. This can result in leaking when exposed to rainwater. To overcome this problem, you need to provide a layer of air or rubber gutters in the leaked part.

Second, construction errors. This is one of the causes of improper roof slope. The type of tile roof cover which usually usually has a slope between 30 to 40 degrees. If the slope is less than that, it is feared that a leak will occur due to air precipitation. In addition, the position of the tile is relatively prone to sag which can result in leakage. The solution to this problem is rearranging the slope of the roof or unloading it completely. Another solution that can be done, which is to provide a leak-proof coating at the bottom of the tile. Even though the air enters through the gap between the tiles, the air will still carry layers of plastic before flowing into the gutters. Do not forget to use a tile equipped with nail holes to lock the position of the tile so as not to sag.

Third, damaged by weather. The roof is part of the structure of a house. Starting from the sun's heat to the rain of air. No matter how strong your roof is, it will eventually be damaged by the weather. The effect that appears on this mirror, reappeared on clay tile, porous zinc, and the fading of the color of cat coating on concrete roof tiles. The solution to this is to do maintenance every year to fill used roofing materials. For example, by painting and adding a layer of waterproofing on no concrete.

Fourth, wrong choice of material quality. Each roof cover material has its own character. For example, between clay tile and metal tile, including using metal tile. This tile is more powerful to withstand the rain because of its leaky, lightweight properties and its installation by using screws to become a single unit with a roof frame that does not cause the tile to shift and security is guaranteed.


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