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Know Building Designs Prevent Flooding

talang air atap rumah The rainy season makes a building as the safest shelter as well as comfortable from the rain and the risk of flooding. Although flooding is caused by various sources, ranging from incessant rain to the blockage of waste water disposal sites, building arrangements that are not in accordance with the principle of rainwater drainage can form a puddle of water, you know. Recognize the principle of flood prevention from the standpoint of the following roof construction design.


The best protective components of a building other than the foundation is the roof, especially when it comes to various seasons. Roof that holds back thousands of rainwater and hot weather before entering into a building. Not just because there is a roof of a building can be safe from various climatic conditions, but because of the design used. Slope roof design is better able to shed rainfall because of its steep slope rather than flat roof design on the whole side, as in the principle of water flowing from high to low place, Inspirator.


Still a part of the roof family, skylights are roofing components that are not made of tile or clay but from glass. Generally the skylights come in contact with the temperature difference and condensation of moisture thereby creating water. A puddle would be very likely to be inside the house when the skylight part is leaking. Although more leaks occur in the snowy areas that use these skylights.

Rooftop gutters

Gutter or roof gutter usually consists of various shapes and sizes with the same function, ie where the flow of water. Generally, gutter of water is made of metal with width 10 cm to 15 cm. In a building, a leaking water gutter will not be able to carry water from the roof back to the ground so that it directly spills a liter of water.

Additional Water Storage

The rain that comes in large quantities will be pity if wasted is not it? When he returns to the soil already covered by concrete. So collecting water through a gutter and holding it in a shelter will be very able to prevent the occurrence of flooding when the ditch in front of the house as a place of return of water is not there anymore. Creating a water reservoir is not difficult, you know. You just have to prepare a large clean container, a gutter, and a small hole with a water tap as a place to escape the water from the shelter. So deh!


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