How to install the roof must be in accordance with the standards so as not to be a frame mounting errors that cause the roof leaking roof. For that technical things that need to be considered carefully when installing the framework of the roof of the building so that the roof of the house does not leak include:
- Kuda-kuda must be firmly attached and there is an anchor (dynabolt) that completes both pedestals.
- The position of kuda-kuda perpendicular to the supporting structure (ringbalk).
- High ape in the installation of kuda-kuda should be flat.
- Leaning side of the roof is not wavy (flat & straight)
- The protective layer should be in good condition and not defective
- Do not misplace the frame causing deformation (shape change)
If you follow the above standard requirements, guaranteed the installation of roof trusses run smoothly and the results are strong. Consider also if you want to install the antenna on the roof of the house that must also be adjusted with the installation of this steel frame. Prior to the installation stage, there is also a need to note that the installation of the framework can adjust to the tile. Because, if you install the frame without knowing the size and shape of the tile, it is feared after the framework is installed will not be in accordance with the roof or roof material. Things to note How To Install Light Steel On The Roof Home is:
1. Measure the roof
Use the meter to measure the distance between the ridge. In this roof measurement, you should measure the slope of the roof first, which ideally ideally is 25-30 degrees. In this size
2. Calculate the amount of Roof Load
Taking into account the roof load is very important before installing this steel roof. The weight of material used as a roof will affect the durability of this steel frame.
3. Note the Roof Shape
Consider the roof shape is very important before installing mild steel. Because the shape of the roof affects how the shape of a lightweight steel frame as a roof gap.
So when you buy mild steel, it will adjust to the shape of the roof. If you want to use a curved roof model, it requires a lightweight steel frame and in accordance with the shape. If you install one roof covering lane, then do the bottom first up to, so that the results obtained neatly, straight and the pattern is not twisted. So, do it painfully mounting the tile. You can also consider the choice of tile that will be used. Good luck!