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Unique Tradition of Lebaran in Various Countries
lebaranIdul Fitri or Idul Fitri is the happiest day for Muslims around the world because Muslims globally celebrate the victory after fasting to hold lust for a whole month. Apparently not only in Indonesia alone who has a tradition in welcoming Lebaran in various parts of the world in the world also has its own ways to celebrate the Eid al-Fitr. Here is the unique tradition of Lebaran in the world.
The country, dubbed Kangaroo Country celebrates Lebaran with quite festive. This is certainly very special considering Australia is not a Muslim country. The company gives tolerance to the Muslim employees to get the day off. Areas that are mostly Muslim inhabitants can use public streets to perform Id prayers.
In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the celebration of Lebaran is thick with art. A number of performances are held, such as theater, poetry reading, parades, and musical performances. Arab society decorate her house to look festive and interesting. If Indonesia has ketupat and chicken opor, Saudi Arabia has lamb mixed with rice and traditional vegetables. This tradition is also applied in in Sudan, Syria, and several other Middle Eastern countries.
Visiting ancestral tombs, cleaning up and offering prayers is a Muslim tradition there. This tradition of prayer is also done specifically to honor the hundreds of thousands of Muslims who died during the Qing Dynasty and Cultural Revolution. Lebaran was designated as a holiday, and at that time the men wore distinctive suits and white caps. While the women wear warm clothing and veil half covered. After the prayer Id, Muslims eat and stay in touch.
The Sugar Festival or Seker Bayram is the name for Eid al-Fitr for the Turks. The possibility of this mention comes from their tradition of delivering sweets on Eid al-Fitr. Like sungkem tradition in Indonesia, children there also shake hands and worship to parents. Then the old man replied with a kiss on both cheeks as a symbol of affection. After that, the children also get a gift of coins, candy, or sweets.
This country can be said to have psychological closeness with Indonesia. For, some residents of Suriname are descendants of the tribe of Java who sent to the country as a contract coolie during the Dutch colonial period. The tradition of Ied Mubarok (Lebaran) in this country can be considered very unique because the day of Lebaran is determined based on their own calculations. They use a prejudation or counting of the Java primbon style of ancestral relics since hundreds of years ago.
Every year, people will gather in Green Point, Cape Town, to witness the coming of the last day of Ramadan with relatives while breaking the fast. After sunset, usually announced about the coming of the Lebaran holiday. The community then had the opportunity to perform Id prayer followed by visiting relatives house.
Muslims in India will usually gather at Jama Masjid located in New Delhi to perform Id prayers. The mosque is the epicenter of Eid al-Fitr in New Delhi, the capital of India. They also prepared a special dish called siwaiyaan, a mixture of sweet vermicelli with dried fruit and milk. Siwaiyaan comes in various shapes and colors.
The Muslim community community in this country informs the coming of the Lebaran holiday through telephone or Internet (email). Uniquely, because the majority of Muslims there are among immigrants, then the clothes are colored in accordance with the country of origin. After the prayers, they say Happy Eid or Eid Mubarak among fellow Id prayers, close acquaintances, and relatives.
Such are some of the most unique information of Eid's Idul Fitri tradition around the world. How interesting is not it?


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