The rainy season is often plagued city of Indonesia is very disturbing because there are some houses that leak, you should be doing home renovation that leaks do not descend your home, the following tips:
- If you currently use the roofs of tile you should immediately check whether a lot of the old tile if it is immediately replace the tile. But if you already use a metal tile roof, you do not need to worry anymore because the metal roof tile has a dense structure.
- If there are a few rooftop of his house damaged and you do not have enough money to buy a new tile you should purchase it for roof waterproofing layer. Because now it has a lot of layers of waterproofing products, it is also able to reduce the budget for your home remodeling.
- If you have enough money to renovate the house, consult a consultant / architect in terms of roof repair roof leak in your home, in addition to the consultant architect can also assist you in preparing and making the right budget and the right to home renovation.
Those are some tips that can be applied to beautify and provide security and comfort for your home. Welcome to renovate the house!
Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Rumah Menurut Bentuk Atap