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Anticipate the Rainy Season, Here are 3 Rarely Kno
The rainy season has arrived, and some of your areas have even received rain. The classic problem that people always complain about when it rains is roof leaks. Repaired several times, repeatedly leaked again. So, what actually causes roof leaks? To be able to deal with the leak completely and avoid recurring problems, you must first find out the source or cause of the leak, so that the repairs carried out are not just about closing the leaking roof hole. Here are 3 sources or causes of house leaks that are rarely known
The three causes of house leaks in question are in terms of the roofing material used. Here's the explanation:
- If the roof is made of tiles
Due to insufficient slope (too sloping), the spacing of the roof tile support battens is not right, too far or too close, the roof tile installation is not right, the quality of the roof tiles is low (porous, easy to seep), there are broken roof tiles, there are roof tiles that come loose because of the wind, they are touched birds, or even kites.
- If the roof is made of corrugated iron
Due to corroded zinc and holes, the pile at the connection is too short, there is dirt that blocks the passage of water so that it enters the gaps in the connection. It could also be because the zinc is exposed to strong winds and provides a gap for water to enter.
- If the roof is made of concrete
The thickness of the concrete is less than ideal (minimum 12 cm), the concrete mixture is not evenly distributed so it is porous, the gravel gathers so that the holes can easily penetrate water, there are puddles of water because the surface is not sloping enough, there are pipes/T doos that are planted but not tightly, so water can enter through gaps -the gap. It could also be because there is cracked concrete that was not repaired immediately
Those are the 3 causes of leaks based on the roofing material used. So, what is the roof material on your building made of? Please check whether any of the causes on the list match your building's roof leak problem. Hopefully this information can broaden your insight.


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