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Maximize the ceiling of the house to make it an id

A house ceiling is a building in a house that is right at the boundary of the walls and roof which functions as a cover for the roof frame, or as a cover for installations such as electricity or as a place to hang a lamp. Architects generally agree that there is a trend of changing tastes where homeowners want higher ceilings. If we look at the ceilings in standard houses built 20-30 years ago, they range between 250-260cm. Meanwhile, modern residences today offer ceiling heights in the range of 280-300cm. In fact, some parts of the room have ceiling heights of 4m to 7m high.
Climate Factors
If you pay attention, houses in cold climates tend to have low ceilings. In Japan or Europe, for example, ceiling heights of 2.4 or 2.5 meters are commonplace. The reason is energy savings. The higher the ceiling, the more heating is required. Meanwhile, in coastal areas or hot climates, high ceilings allow better air circulation. Some of you may already know that hot air will move upwards. Thus, high ceilings allow the air in the room to remain cool.
In addition, the height of the roof allows sunlight to enter all parts of the house so that the room does not feel damp. So, we recommend that if you live in a coastal area where the air tends to be very hot, the ceiling should be no less than 280cm, or between 2.8-3.2 m.
Proportion and Aesthetics
Architectural design is nothing more than talking about the proportions of space. Beautiful design means proportional. Architecture students generally know that to determine the standard ceiling height of a room, the formula applies: (Length + Width) / 2. This means that a room measuring 3x4m will look proportional if the ceiling is around (3+4) / 2 = 3.5 m. Of course, this is not a standard mathematical formula because ideal proportions can be cultivated through good interior planning. In essence, the bigger the room, the higher the ceiling, or the ceiling must be higher, in terms of the width of the room. Because if you don't balance the high ceiling, the large room will look like a stuffy hallway. Therefore, if you have a family room that is large enough, for example 8x5m without partitions, you can make the ceiling up to 6-7m.
Void or Loft
If you build a house with two floors or more, a high ceiling will automatically create a new room if you create a void, which is a space left empty on the second floor so that the view can be directly towards the ceiling. Creating high ceilings is a new way that you can create beautiful ceilings. At the same time the room will feel more spacious. Void can also mean an open space without a roof in a part of the house that only has one access, namely from the front. In many housing developments, your house is surrounded by walls on the left, right and back. If you have this condition, the presence of a void is important, whether at the back or side of the house, so that air circulation and sunlight can enter the house. Enclosing the entire attic on the roof is not recommended.
If the void you create is still large enough in certain parts, you can still create a loft that can be used as a place to play or an open hobby room. The simple impression of utilizing space with an open design and the presence of glass windows plus air ventilation is very important so that air circulation is guaranteed and the spacious impression is not lost.


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