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House construction is ideal for dealing with rainf
Apart from flooding, high rainfall can also cause problems in the house. For example, leaky roofs, water seepage on walls or floors, and weathering of wooden door or window frames. The large amount of water that hits buildings directly at high speed is the main cause of problems that arise. However, that doesn't mean there is no solution to this problem.
This is what homeowners must pay attention to, namely is the house construction ready to face high rainfall in the rainy season? To answer this, you need to pay attention to the following three things:
1. Roof slope angle
So that rainwater can be discharged quickly to the ground, the roof of the house should not be too sloping, let alone flat (not roof). The slow rate at which water is wasted due to a roof that is not slanted enough is the main cause of leaks, even though it is strong (concrete roofing) it will generally cause puddles of water which can cause various problems such as harboring mosquitoes, mold and so on. Ideally, it is recommended that the roof of the house has a slope angle of at least 30 degrees.
2. Water disposal
The water drainage system from the roof also needs attention. If not, the water from the roof tiles that is thrown onto the ground will cause splashes on the walls, causing them to become dirty. For this reason, it is necessary to have a vertical gutter on the lip of the tile that connects to the horizontal gutter so that water can be drained smoothly. Apart from that, you can also make an overstek (longer roof lip) so that the water that is discharged is not too close to the wall. The overstek system works the same as an umbrella that protects the human body from rain. It is recommended that the overstek made be 1.5 meters long. Overstek can also be made on windows to prevent rainwater from hitting the frames or entering the house through ventilation gaps.
3. Foundation
Apart from gutters, another precaution in preventing splashes of rainwater from hitting the walls and entering the yard, causing it to become dirty, is to make a high foundation. It is recommended that the foundation height be 80 cm above ground level. The height of the house foundation also avoids the possibility of water seepage entering the house through the ground/floor.


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