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Why is the price of metal roof tiles considered ec
The roof is one of the most important parts of a house because it is this part that provides protection from rain and hot sunlight. Apart from the issue of protection from rain and heat, roofs also contribute to the comfort of people living in a house regarding temperature, humidity and also noise levels. Roof tiles are the most common type of roof for modern and traditional houses in Indonesia. There are various types of roof tiles made from different materials. Metal roof tiles are a type of modern roof tile that is now being chosen by many home owners, the material is strong and light and the price of metal roof tiles can be said to be quite affordable, making this metal roof tile widely used.
Advantages of Metal Roof Tiles Compared to Other Types of Roof Tiles
There are several simple reasons why many people choose to use metal roof tiles compared to other types of roof tiles. Traditional roof tiles are made from molded clay and then fired to obtain the desired shape and hardness. Ceramic roof tiles are made using a method similar to traditional roof tiles; However, the firing process is carried out in a furnace at a higher temperature and usually this type of tile has a layer of glazing so it has a shiny and smooth surface. Meanwhile, concrete roof tiles are made from a mixture of cement and other materials such as those used to make cast concrete.
One of the advantages of metal roof tiles compared to other types of roof tiles is the durability factor. It must be acknowledged that the risks that may occur with traditional clay roof tiles such as breaking, cracking or seepage are no longer found in metal roof tiles made from a mixture of several metals. This means that maintenance of metal roof tiles can be said to be minimal and even zero because there is no need for maintenance costs such as replacing roof tiles that leak because they are broken or cracked. For this reason, the price of metal roof tiles is cheaper if calculated based on long-term use.
Diversity of Colors and Shapes
Another reason why the price of metal roof tiles has become a popular choice is because the shapes and colors are varied and more attractive compared to traditional clay roof tiles which are the same or similar in shape from one tile product to another. There are several forms of metal roof tile wave motifs to choose from, unique and attractive motifs can be a factor that beautifies the appearance of a house. A variety of color choices also enable homeowners to achieve a unique and attractive home appearance. The satisfaction of having a unique and attractive home can make the price of metal roof tiles no longer feel more expensive than traditional roof tiles because of the satisfaction of the artistic value of the metal roof tiles used.
Even though it is more expensive than traditional roof tiles made from clay, the price of metal roof tiles is relatively cheaper compared to concrete roof tiles and ceramic tiles. On the other hand, metal roof tiles are much lighter than most other types of roof tiles or as light as corrugated iron, but are more durable and also more artistic. Light weight is one of the superior aspects of metal roof tiles, making it suitable as a roof option for earthquake-resistant houses in earthquake-prone areas because it does not put more stress on the cold and the house construction structure must withstand earthquake vibrations. Houses with simple construction and not using strong materials can use metal roof tiles because of the minimal load they have to bear.
For these reasons, the price of metal roof tiles can be said to be rational and suitable for use as a roofing option for houses. Someone who is building a house can consider using metal roof tiles if they want to have a roof that is low-maintenance and long-lasting while not placing a heavy burden on the construction of the house underneath.


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